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Culling of members (no seals [marine animals] involved)

Home Forums General General Board Culling of members (no seals [marine animals] involved)

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  • #2631
    James McLauchlan

    When?: At the end of July 2009
    What?: Accounts over two years old, with no posts, will be deleted.
    Accounts that have one post, or more, no matter when they were created will not be touched.

    Over the years (since 2003 for this CMS system) based on our current ISP plan our website database size has grown beyond a reasonably sustainable level. It’s more a case of keeping the website speed up rather than allowable space.

    We have a few options open to us. One of those is to ‘cull’ the membership numbers and er…. dump those accounts that have never posted, ever, not once etc. etc. .. not even to say Hi! Sad 🙁

    Actually, whether you are registered or not, there isn’t much around here that you wouldn’t have access to as a visitor anyway.

    So, this is due notice to those that have registered, but never posted, to actually post just once.

    In a month (ish) members with zero posts will be er… culled all for the cause of website efficiency. I’m sure you understand. Maybe not, but it will happen anyway.

    best regards
    James Mc

    Ray Shields

    Hope a suitable humane club is used!

    RIP Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcet Majors. God, I remember them when I was a kid, am I getting old?

    Scott Beveridge


    Even with this "gerbil-powered-slower-than-the-slowest-dial-up" server we are using onboard at the moment, ROV World still pops up first when loading. But, I agree, no input members vs faster loading time = no-brainer.


    not really scot. i believe that type of cull will destroy the value of the site. It will just leave compulsive posters like your self and all the rookies that clutter the boards with the same old inane questions over and over.

    what about the guys that go offshore for 2 months with no internet access, when they get home their accounts would be deleted?

    seems counter productive to me to encourage people to post even if they have nothing valuable to post or say.


    what about the guys that go offshore for 2 months with no internet access, when they get home their accounts would be deleted?

    No. The way I read it is only the guys that do not have a post to their name will have their accounts deleted.

    They will still be able to lurk in guest mode, so nothing will have changed for them too much.

    Scott Beveridge


    Compulsive… phaa! I wouldn’t call approx. 150 posts a year compulsive… Sedco read the original post by James correctly BTW…


    on a re read i see you are quite correct. sorry about the mistake, english is me second language , i speak awwwstralian maaate

    would you consider deleting the rookie members, i mean everything they need to know is already posted and can be read as a guest (as you pointed out)

    i’m off subject here, but i stand by my comment of you being a compulsive poster.Now here’s an idea, how about we start a new thread " is scott bev or is he not a compulsive poster", maybe those responding could rate your posts content 1 to 10…hmnnn ….(phaaa yourself he he he)

    James McLauchlan

    Rookie members that have posted would not be deleted.

    We have no way of telling if a new member is an ROV Rookie or not. They may be new to the site but may also have years of experience.

    I will modify the original idea and look at a rolling membership idea whereby any accounts older than two years with no posts will go.
    By that I would suspect that if someone joined two years ago and haven’t posted to date, then they have either moved on or would not be likely to ever post anyway.

    So, to be fair to all I will set the date for around 31st July before any action is taken.

    To clarify.

    When?: At the end of July 2009
    What?: Accounts over two years old, with no posts, will be deleted.
    Accounts that have one post, or more, no matter when they were created will not be touched.

    This topic has nothing to do with prolific posters. It is about those that joined the site years ago and have never posted.

    Scott Beveridge

    Seems fair James…


    As a matter of interest James, what percentage of the current membership (4910 and counting) have never posted.


    OK, I found the info myself.

    It’s going to be 3293 out of 4910 for the cull, or 67.07%.

    It going to be a MASSACRE!!!


    Good move.

    It’s going to be 3293 out of 4910 for the cull, or 67.07%.

    It going to be a MASSACRE!!!

    Nice massacre 😉

    Anybody is being pushed to be here. If somebody from that big number still wants just to read the forum, will do this as an unregistered user… or will register again. Simple.

    Ray Shields

    The thing is even if people get unregistered they can still access the forum, read the stories etc. And as they have never posted it will make no difference to them.

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