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Unusual posts?

Home Forums General General Board Unusual posts?

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  • #2699
    James McLauchlan

    Hi all

    Even though we have a Captcha style registration procedure (random letters/numbers) these days, to help prevent automated bot/spam sign ups, there are still the odd human beings that are obviously not clever enough to realise when they are not wanted somewhere.

    One such member ( heathsaccount now deleted) joined and posted text totally unrelated to the thread topic (some of you may argue that is already a common occurrence around here 😉 ) and then added a smiley ( 🙂 ) but hyper linked that smiley to some kind of loan website.
    As soon as you hover over the smiley the link would be revealed. Click on it and you’ll be opening god knows what kind of site.

    Now, whilst most people would not even dream of clicking on a smiley (there is no reason I can see why anyone would do that), links like that in our forum might associate our site with a blacklisted spamming site, which we wish to avoid.

    Should you notice any posts that are a) out of character (not in context with the discussion at all.

    Example – in a thread the last post went something like.
    We also have a problem with our T4 Manip master arm etc. etc.

    Bozo replies:
    I am glad I found this post as it has helped fixed the file problem I was having 🙂


    b) Bozo is showing a www. in their profile that links to a spam style site, please inform site admin via PM or website Feedback.

    Any feedback by way of helping to combat this kind of thing will help make this site a better experience for all.

    best regards
    ROVworld Admin


    Hi James,

    I think you have to check the list of subscribed users here at ROVworld. I am for sure you’ll find accounts that can be deleted. As far as I remember there were accounts with ‘not fair’ urls to websites in their profile.

    FelipeRezende (?)
    MechTech (very wrong url in profile)
    – etc

    Another example is this page. Some weird subscription on 28-29 May 2009 and beyond. Most user names end with one or two digits, and they never posted anything.

    Ray Shields

    MechTech is a real person, just a strange url posted in his profile (actually its the series name of some adult movies, so Ive been told 🙂 )

    Cant say Ive noticed the others but Ill keep an eye out

    James McLauchlan

    Thanks for the input. I’ll slowly filter through the list and eliminate the most obvious aliens!


    Here’s another one with strange forum posts: richermartyn –> on Google

    Ray Shields

    Richermartyn had just posted a few random posts in some sections with strange links at the bottom of each. Ive deleted them.

    Seems like a new kind of board attack going on now. User IP is from India. These people have too much time on their hands!

    Scott Beveridge

    Richermartyn had just posted a few random posts in some sections with strange links at the bottom of each. Ive deleted them.

    Seems like a new kind of board attack going on now. User IP is from India. These people have too much time on their hands!

    Too much time on their hands won’t do in this industry (if they work at all in it…) Take a hike lads and come back if you’re serious about work… Hmmmm…. makes one wonder whether or not OI did an appropriate / inappropriate thing after all (Re: bonded employment in India (only))…

    James McLauchlan

    Richermartyn account Deactivated.

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