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    Has anyone had the oppurtunity to use a Spatially Controlled manipulator like the schilling T4?

    Im heading out on a job with one and I am interested in hearing of other peoples experiences with them.




    Do you mean has anyone ever used a sc manip? or has anyone ever used a T4?

    If you’re in the ROV industry and you haven’t used a SC manip, you must have only worked with eyeballs or trenchers. Or work for Oceaneering.

    If this is the case, then you’ve got a steep learning curve ahead. Couple of tips – keep you’re movements small and re-index the arm loads. And ALWAYS lock the arm before putting down the master arm.

    As to the T4 – just the same as a T3 except there’s no electronics pod. one tip – don’t let you’re oil get too watery, the electronic board in the forearm doesn’t like it very much!


    Agree with rovnumpty…….less tolerence to water.

    Just fitted (Innovatorer 250 series I-19)new T4 with Schilling camera and dual lights mounted on a spiffy matching bracket just over the wrist…..looks the business but must have cost a bomb…as usual paralle jaws instead of a three finger which is the norm for GoM.

    Still need external 24Volt supply.

    Alex Kerr

    Agree with all previous, just one more point- if working a lot and the fingers get bent or mis-aligned they don’t like getting straightened back out in a vice too often (with or without heat).
    If you have a spare set of jaws make sure you remember which box they’re in! 😉

    Andy Shiers

    Ha Ha , Been down that road 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    I fabricated frpom tubing a pair of SS 3/8 "chopsticks" for taking a piece of scale caught in a wet-mateable Tronic connector (from a corrosion cap ironically). Attached to it was a reduced hose attached to a zip pump. This was mounted on a T2. Got the bit out without damaging the o-rings. Make sure a have the rate selected low when you’re first working with ANY manip. You’d be very surprised what difficult jobs can be done with a bit of patience and calmness…

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