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Acergy ROV redundancy’s

Home Forums General General Board Acergy ROV redundancy’s

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    SS7 are not he only ones reducing costs. Acergy are trimming their ROV (and other crew) department in the form of mass redundancy’s…………..not good 🙁

    Scott Beveridge

    The conspiracy thickens!!!


    There is trimming…and there is mass redundancy. I’ve no doubt Acergy are aligning their workforce to the projected business needs, but I can’t see mass redundancy for offshore ROV personnel. They seem to be winning enough of the bids not to be in dire trouble and had a a healthy back-log. Though they are probably slightly worse off than SS7.

    Acergy also need to reduce costs to stay competitive, its not easy to get down to the level of Technip and Saipem.

    Simple business rather than conspiracy.

    Scott Beveridge

    Simple minds = simple business = short-termed near sighted/tunnel vision economics.

    And yes, it’s still a conspiracy against us working stiffs NOT the chair polishers!!!


    One only has to see the state of the morale and the dire state of the equipment on any Saipem vessel to see that treating your staff like mindless slaves and paying peanuts doen’t work longterm..

    Instead it creates a ‘don’t give a fook’ mentality and guys are out there doing as little as posible.. just counting the days..

    Funny how all these HR graduates don’t seem to have grasped the simple fact that a well paid, well treated workforce produces a far better product that one that thinks they are being screwed..

    It’s not necessarlily just about dayrate either.. It’s simple things like being kept informed about crewchanges, free calls home (within reason) direct flights, Clean accomodation, Quality coveralls and not being fooked about… All these thing make the crew believe they are valued and they work harded and becoem more conscientious… Back before Saipem took over Sonsub had this attitude down pat.. Same with Canyon when it started…

    What have Sonsub guys got to be proud of now ? They used to be seen as a highly motivatyed and professional company. Now they are just the arse end of a cheap shite Italian corporation… On the same level as the bargain basement demoralised Eastern euro/Filippino trash that the Italians usually employ…

    Scott Beveridge


    Nice!!! There are only but a few SMALL companies that do treat their guys okay (but only okay) – more of that family-type atmosphere. Still it’s a long time on the phone or emails to bargain with the smaller outfits. Large companies is usually a big NO!!! from meself. Once again, I’d rather go broke than take/eat some of their (BIG companies) waste product.

    Awr da best!

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