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ROV Pilot – I am an introvert. Problem?

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    Hi all ROV pilots, and wannabees(like me)!

    I have been researching careers for months now, going on many forums and asking people who actually do the job, whats it all about.
    My recent findings was an aircraft engineer, but I have recently heard of a ROV pilot.

    It would be amazing help if anyone could give there thoughts a few of my questions….

    I am an introvert. As an ROV pilot, will this be a problem. I am rubbish with customers, but I think in a team, I am controlled, but maybe too quiet. Hopefully I will grow out of this though, I am 19. Am I going to be surrounded by people all day? Or will I have some of my own space? What do you actually do for 12 hours?

    Also, in 10/20/30 years time, will this career still be very relevant?

    Again, any help will be very useful!


    Hi all ROV pilots, and wannabees(like me)!
    What do you actually do for 12 hours?

    Graft yer arse off, take the piss, get in peoples face, annoy them, make them laugh, get the piss taken out of you, watch dvd’s, read books, take the piss, get pissed on shore leave, regret it the next day but do it all again but worse, look busy, take the piss, eat and sleep….oh and phone home, tell the missus how hard your working 😀


    Hi all ROV pilots, and wannabees(like me)!
    What do you actually do for 12 hours?

    Graft yer arse off, take the piss, get in peoples face, annoy them, make them laugh, get the piss taken out of you, watch dvd’s, read books, take the piss, get pissed on shore leave, regret it the next day but do it all again but worse, look busy, take the piss, eat and sleep….oh and phone home, tell the missus how hard your working 😀

    No disrespect Kalbo, but I am looking for serious replies.


    Hi all ROV pilots, and wannabees(like me)!
    What do you actually do for 12 hours?

    Graft yer arse off, take the piss, get in peoples face, annoy them, make them laugh, get the piss taken out of you, watch dvd’s, read books, take the piss, get pissed on shore leave, regret it the next day but do it all again but worse, look busy, take the piss, eat and sleep….oh and phone home, tell the missus how hard your working 😀

    No disrespect Kalbo, but I am looking for serious replies.


    James McLauchlan

    Kalbo’s response was a bit tongue in cheek but reading between the lines… not far off the mark.

    On a more serious level, it’s not really a game for introvert people.
    There is a lot of piss taking, joking, pressure etc. It’s quite an active and varied lifestyle. People are around you, as a minimum, for 13-14hrs a day.. 12 hrs on shift and another couple of hours either side. You need to interact with the team during 12hrs of this at least. Ships and other work sites are full of people. Given what you have written it probably wouldn’t suit your character.


    geezy, don’t you think that you might be being a bit hard on yourself? You are only 19 years old. I think it is a little soon to write yourself off as an introvert. I remember reading somewhere that a person’s basic character is still being moulded up to the age of 30. A lot of 19 year old lads (and lasses) are a bit shy and quiet. It doesn’t make them introverts for life.

    You make no mention of your training, qualifications and work experience to date. Now is the time to get the necessary skills and qualifications, or build on any that you already have. Also there is a lot to be gained from doing any kind of work. (Pushing a broom in a factory. Stacking supermarket shelves. Anything!) In addition to cash in your pocket, you’ll get the benefit of social interaction in the workplace and experience some of the ‘hard knocks’ of working life. It will all go towards making up your character.

    Scott Beveridge


    Well said…. Work ethics are more important than socializing – which could be read by some management types as goofing off – when being observed and assessed. You’ll get into your own "groove" when the time is right. Work hard for now…

    Mark DuPriest

    What your crew members say behind your back is 100% more important than what you do on the job.
    No one will know what you do, the opinion from the Supv. and his co-horts will direct your career.
    Learn to kiss ass, that is the way to succeed in ROV combined with a knowledge & to some degree expertise of your craft.

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