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  • #3082

    Does it not seem strange that most ROV Companies are advertising that they are looking for good personal, send your CV to ??? or human resources. Once you have done that all you get back is a big 0, not even a reply saying acknowledged, or anything. Maybe the people placing the ads are to busy placing instead of reading the replies they receive.

    I bet this has happened to all of us at some stage and it maybe shows that it is not where you go but who you know.

    If in doubt give it gas. 😈

    Toni Morgan

    You are absolutely right deepend, happened to me a few times and it’s not like I have no experience or not qualified in my field because I am. Urgently require pilot/tech to mob tomorrow, then f**k all after you send your cv, not even a sorry not on this occasion reply. I’d like to know why.

    Who’s hiring anyway??????


    You gus have obviously forgotten what it’s like to get your foot in the door… It’s enough to do one’s head in. At least it gives a bloke like me time to research the 150 odd ROV companies I already have on my database…. makes one wonder who’s flying all these ROV’s…. there must be a shit load of crews out there to be flying them all….

    Going to need to get work offshore soon just to get out to sea and get my head right again..!


    I Start working in offshore in 2006.
    Then i earn some money and i went to take some trainings.
    Im waiting to get a job As ROV PILOT TECH since 2007.
    I Apply Apply Apply Apply APPLY.
    And Hr tell-me that i dont have experience etc bla bla bla .

    When i take my tranning are some guys from england, american, Phillipines and Portugueses.
    The english they have a job, the american too phillipinos i dont know the portuguese they dont have experience, TryTryTry.
    Nothing happen.

    What i want to tell the english told me is biomecanics eng ( i dont belive because i ask how to make a compress test in a bone and he dont answer-me) And this guy is allread inpector.

    If you ask to this guys to unload capacitor ?????

    Trie to ask too HR peraphs they know.


    S.T.A.R.S (New equilibria)

    Stop Think And Remain Stupid

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