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Subserv Pro Movember!

Home Forums General General Board Subserv Pro Movember!

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  • #3099
    Rob Pattenden

    A few of us at Subserv are growing Taches for the month of Movember to raise money for Prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is one of the most common male cancers, and the research is seriously underfunded.

    We would really appreciate it if anybody that knows us or even if they don’t to go to the Movember website – http://uk.movember.com/donate/ and make a donation to our team "Hairy Potter and the Prisoner of Tash-kaban". We have got pictures of some of us on there already, but remember we are only in our first week so far!!

    Thanks for all of your help 😀


    Subserv Pro

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