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Videoray XE3 GTO tether and manipulators

Home Forums General General Board Videoray XE3 GTO tether and manipulators

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    I have a small project upcoming where I need to scrounge as many wires from the tether as possible in a videoray. Looking at the diagrams for the system, there is a spare pair – AUX + and AUX – – this is a good start!

    What I’d like to know is whether or not the Manipulator wires +24V and -24V are used for anything other than the manip. I.e if it’s not required, can I disconnect and re-route from topside to one of my peripherals or is it +24/-24V used for 485 control of the vehicle thrusters, etc….. (i.e I can’t use it?)

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Craig Thorngren


    As a general rule you only get the "spare pair" to play with.

    The 24v for the manipulator is switched in the ROV (from 48v), so there is no way to disconnect it at the surface. You could play with that voltage, but i think what your asking is can you use the 48v cables coming out of the sub to the manipulator as another data line, and the answer is no.

    There are other options though. You could run a separate cable mated to the tether to your gear and get your data. I’ve seen that doen quite a few times, especially when you have a damaged tether. Hope this helps!


    Tom Glebas

    The VideoRay Pro 4 uses RS-485 communications and will allow multiplexing. We have already integrated several accessories that used to require the spare pair and now they can be used without that requirement. This allows, for example, sonar and positioning to be used simultaneously on the same old tether.

    What kind of signal / power do you want to add?


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