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Any Ex Navy here??

Home Forums General General Board Any Ex Navy here??

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    Roger Chatfield

    Hi guys, I’m new here, my name is Roger.

    Anyway, I currently serve in the Royal Navy as a Weapons Engineer, I’ve been in the service for over 20 years and am now looking for a new career.

    Are there any Ex Navy (or Ex any Forces) here that I could ask for some advice.

    Many thanks


    James McLauchlan


    I’m ex army (Royal Enginneer) and will offer some advice.
    There is a heap load of advice contained in this forum already. You just need to search it out.

    To start with check out the posts in:

    There are a few threads in the forum (probably in Rookie corner) and some answered by me, giving advice on ex military guys looking at getting into the game. I know one definitely got a job through advice he was given and PM’d his thanks. It’s good to know when things hit home and end up with a decent result.
    On the question of whether to do an ROV course or not…. there is endless debate on that and the answer is still open ended. You’d need to make your own call on whether to do a course or not.

    Once you have trawled through that lot you’ll be much more genned up.

    In addition have a look at the FAQ section. There are some good pointers in there.

    Please resist the temptation to take the easy way out and ask right away like:

    ‘How do I get into ROV offshore?’

    Later, you’ll probably wish you hadn’t 😉

    Good luck :tup:

    Once you are up to speed on forum content (for your quest) send me a PM if something is unclear to you. I’ll try and respond but am a bit busy these days so you may need to be patient.

    Roger Chatfield

    James, many thanks for your reply, looks like I’ve got a fair bit of reading to do 😉

    I currently work at sea in a team environment and really enjoy the technical aspects of my job, I also enjoy the banter ect that goes hand in hand with being in the forces, hence why I’m considering a career as a ROV tech.

    I was really just wondering if anyone else from the Navy has already done what I want to do and could offer advice, what I’m looking for is something along the lines of: ‘It’s a great job mate, if you are ex Navy you will love it and there’s loads of work’ or ‘Don’t do it, it’s rubbish pay, there’s no work and if you are ex Navy you’ll hate it’.




    I’m ex RN, left as WE mech senior rate(ex WEM(R)) or posh name WEA(AD)!

    There are loads of ex forces guys out here for obvious reasons and I’ve come across many ex W.E’s. both working for many different companies and contracting.

    Take James’ advice and you should have no problem. Personally I love the job but as with anything you have to take the rough with the smooth! Being a contractor I like to select the ‘smooth’ though!!

    PM me if you need any specific info. I’m offshore at the moment so be patient for any response.

    Good Luck


    Scott Beveridge


    You’ll find an older thread on here dealing with questions concerning ex – military guys…. For the most part, there were lots of positive feedback to the OP. Try a search on here…


    I was in the Navy but on the darkside not on one of them grey targets on the surface.

    The job you do in the mob now is the ideal type to enter the industry with. Try and ensure that any qualifications you have are civilian recognised this is one problem I had as mine were not with the OM branch not affiliated to NVQ, BTEC or whatever they were planning on linking up to.

    Apart from that do the reading create a good C.V. and happy hunting.

    The navy was my wife but the sea is still my mistress.

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