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Follow ROVworld on Twitter

Home Forums General Interesting Websites Follow ROVworld on Twitter

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  • #3241
    James McLauchlan

    News from both our websites:


    ……. is fed into the ROVworld twitter account at:

    If you have a twitter account please add us to your follow list.


    For those with a Twitter account can follow ROVworld’s tweets from the desktop by using thwirl (XP/Vista/7).

    twhirl is a Twitter client, written in Adobe AIR, that enables you to manage multiple Twitter accounts from your desktop. You can view and post tweets (with spell checking), read direct messages, get notified of new messages, manage your followers and more. The program also allows you to post images via TwitPic and can automatically shorten your URLs via a variety of services. Other features include the ability to search tweets using Twitter Search and TweetScan, and follow topics in near-real time with saved searches, as well as support for cross-posting to Jaiku, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and other sites. twhirl supports multiple Twitter accounts and also laconi.ca, Friendfeed and Seesmic accounts.

    You’ll need to have Adobe Air installed.


    James McLauchlan

    Thanks for the update Ron…. useful stuff :tup:

    Which leads me on to say that, if you do the twitter thing, you might wish to look at adding RON’s ROV Links to those that you follow:


    Hello James,

    Maybe it’s an idea to add a block that mentiones that ROVworld can be followed on Twitter.

    James McLauchlan

    Hello James,

    Maybe it’s an idea to add a block that mentiones that ROVworld can be followed on Twitter.

    Hi Ronald

    Thanks for the suggestion :tup: It’s on my list.. but we are prepping for an exhibition in Lisbon and I’m short on time. I’ll add a block when I clear some of the backlog of other things.

    Lisbon Boat Show
    Feb 3-7, 2010
    Opening hours:
    15.00-23.00 daily
    Sat 10.00-23.00
    Sun 10.00-21.00

    Visitor information:
    Tel: +351 21 892 1535/1753
    Fax: +351 21 892 1555
    Email: nauticampo@aip.pt
    Web: http://www.nauticampo.fil.pt

    Show open to: Public and trade

    FIL – International Fair of Lisbon
    Rua do Bojador
    Parque das Nações
    1998-010 Lisbon
    Tel: +351 21 892 17
    Fax: +351 21 892 1523/55

    best regards

    James McLauchlan

    For those of you that do follow us on twitter you may note that previous ‘tweet’ short urls don’t link correctly. This is because in the last 24hrs we shifted our site from rovworld.com/phpnuke to the root directory rovworld.com/ and therefore the news & forum feeds were incorrect. This has now been adjusted accordingly.

    Also there are now redirects on the old URL so anybody hunting for us will end up at the new location.


    Twitter flaw pumps out spam links

    A flaw in the website of micro-blogging service Twitter is being used to pump out pop-up messages and links to porn sites.

    Users only have to move their mouse over the link – not click it – to open it in the browser.

    Thousands of Twitter accounts have so far posted messages exploiting the flaw including Sarah Brown, the wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

    The malicious links look like a random URL and contain the code "onmouseover".

    This command – written in a programming language called Javascript – automatically directs users to another website, some of which contain pornography.

    "There is no legitimate reason to tweet Javascript," Graham Cluley, a researcher at security firm Sophos, told BBC News.

    He said that it looked like the initial vulnerability was exploited as a prank by users, but was now being spread by a worm, a self-replicating and malicious piece of code.

    "Simply being logged into Twitter and viewing these pages could mean that your own Twitter account could be hacked," said Mr Cluley.

    Until the flaw is fixed, users should use a third-party Twitter client – such as TweetDeck – rather than the Twitter.com website, he advised.

    "Don’t use the website," he said.

    It is not the first time the service has suffered an attack.

    In April 2009, another worm spread links to a rival site, again showing unwanted messages on infected user accounts.

    Mr Cluley said that Twitter needs "much tighter control" over what users can contain in a tweet to prevent similar problems in the future.

    Twitter was not immediately available for comment.


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