Home Forums General Lost Contact? Looking for the Craic!

Looking for the Craic!

Home Forums General Lost Contact? Looking for the Craic!

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    If anyone knows where the Craic went from this site could the please ask it to get in touch!, As since the New site!! came back on-line ( and well done to the people that made it happen (a bit of bum licking there, so my post wont get removed )), the craic seems to have been lost. WE work offshore and the craic is the only thing that keeps us going some days, it helps to stop the cabin fever taking over. So come on you old tossers pull yer heads out of yer arse and let get some fun back into the site.

    Get it up ye,,

    The Finger


    Hey mingin’ toenail! I know where you’re coming from, but…..er….every time us kiddies get a little rhumbunctious, the PM’s start flying! In my day it was a ruler across the back of the knuckles, now it’s death by PM! I really miss the shite we used to spout on the ‘Old Forum'(PbuH).
    P.S. I’ve not had a PM from the grown-ups…….. yet! I’ll bet I’ve come close though.8O

    💡 I’m gonna try and initiate one of those poll things on this subject. Let’s see what the rest of us think.

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