Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals UKOOA Medical Frequency Changes

UKOOA Medical Frequency Changes

Home Forums Safety, Survival Courses & Medicals Offshore Medicals UKOOA Medical Frequency Changes

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    Gina McLauchlan

    UKOOA Medical Frequency Changes

    Important Information to all Personnel Travelling Offshore

    New Rules to take effect from 1st January 2007

    UKOOA medical frequency is currently based on age:

    3 yearly for under 40, 2 yearly for 40-49 and annually for 50 plus.

    We have studied the failure rates for medicals, based on these age groups, and discovered that there is very little difference between them.

    UKOOA has therefore decided to adopt a standard medical frequency of 2 yearly.

    The medical will include a risk assessment, which may determine that a person will require to be seen on a more frequent basis.

    This change will take effect from 1st January 2007.

    Current medical certificates will remain valid. The 2 year rule will apply from your next medical after 1st January. For example if you currently have a 3 year certificate it will remain valid for the full 3 years.

    If you have any concerns or questions on this, please contact your employer in the first instance or UKOOA’s Medical Advisor – RS Occupational Health Tel. 0870 050 3456

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