Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner ROV – Dead Sea ?????

ROV – Dead Sea ?????

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner ROV – Dead Sea ?????

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    I have heard about ROV Work in the Dead Sea. I would love to work in this location. I have not found any information through google. Does any one have any info?


    Just a little more info about the location. The Dead Sea is located on the border between the West Bank, Israel, and Jordan. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley. Does any one know what Company I could contact for ROV work in this area?



    Where did you hear that there was ROV work there? – as that may be the best place to ask, sounds interesting if true.

    An agreement was signed by Israel and Jordan last Sunday for a $15m 2 year feasibility study to investigate joining the Dead sea to the Red sea with a canal to try and stop Dead sea level dropping, this may well involve some underwater research?

    It’s obviously a very sensitive border area, so probably not easy to get accepted onto any project, and I would imagine any underwater work there would be to do with research projects from the respective countries universities, probably requiring very specific scientific skills?


    Andy Shiers

    That rules out 99.9 % of the ROV pilots 😆


    Also worth remembering if you intend working anywhere in the Persian Gulf/Middle East , getting an Israel stamp in your passport can mean a whole heap ‘o’ hassle, i kid you not. 😀



    I did some work a few years back in Israel (Eilat), and I passed by the Dead sea en-route from Tel-Aviv. The water in the Dead sea area is extremely turbid and caustic, which would cause significant problems both for visibility and reliability.
    Also as Temp mentioned, this area is quite sensitive and the Israelis are not exactly renowned for there hospitality towards outsiders.
    If you do end up going there, do not get your passport stamped, request a stamped slip which you’ll return on departure. Good luck


    Two passports – you can get them without any hassle from passport office. They’ll ask for explanation but they’re very accepting– I used to have them when going between RSouth Africa and Singapore.

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