Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Submariner looking to get into the field

Submariner looking to get into the field

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Submariner looking to get into the field

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  • #5289
    Gerry Ronan

    I’m currently serving with the Royal Navy submarine service as a leading engineering technician and I’m due to leave in about a years time.

    Having an interest in engineering and working daily with hydraulics, air and electrics, I’ve been giving serious thought with regards to getting into the ROV field of work. Although I don’t have hands on experience with ROV’s, I do have lots of engineering experience.

    I’d be really interested in finding out how other newbies have found it getting into the field from scratch and also if you personally think it’s worth forking out thousands of pounds on ROV training, before I’ve even dipped my toes into the water so to speak!!

    Many thanks for your time guys.


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