Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Working in Nigeria offshore

Working in Nigeria offshore

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Working in Nigeria offshore

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    Rajesh Singh


    I have been offered a position of pilot tech in Nigeria,I have never been there before and bit concerned about safety and conditions of ship over there.
    Its on Ivory coast the only good thing about job is money is 700US as pilot tech.

    But still i am concerned about safety.

    There are few post i read but still i want an update.
    If anyone can advise me regarding this i will be helpful.

    Arthur Richardson

    I guess there’s no safer place here on earth 🙁 so what we gonna have to do is always be alert.. 🙂

    Pete Win

    I did a 14 day job there in the middle of the year with Marine Solutions and was looked after, Safe,Good food, Nice hotels, but have had mates that have worked there and will never go back its all upto the company that your working for i guess.

    Ray Shields

    I did a 14 day job there in the middle of the year with Marine Solutions and was looked after, Safe,Good food, Nice hotels, but have had mates that have worked there and will never go back its all upto the company that your working for i guess.

    It is also, unfortunately, to do with luck. One person can have no problems and someone else can end up in all sorts.

    This is part of the problem with West Africa – it only has to go wrong once.

    Ifeanyi Enyia

    There’s nothing wrong with working in Nigeria, same as any other place and even better than the mid east.
    Just brace urself and get on with ur job.

    Be nice, and the people are a bit very sensitive, just be a normal guy so u don’t get accused of being racist.
    Nice people.

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