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Royal Engineer service leaver.

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Royal Engineer service leaver.

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    Hi all,

    I fully understand these questions are asked all the time, but if some of the experienced guys could steer me in the right direction i would be grateful.

    I have served 13 years in the Royal Engineers and I am currently a Sergeant, my primary trade is an electrician. My experience lies in field power distribution and fault finding.

    I have GCSE electronics (not sure if that carries much weight?)

    I am aiming to leave the Army next year to peruse a career off shore. ROV is my ultimate goal although i would consider other trades offshore.

    My questions are:

    Do i have the required skill set to be considered for a trainee position within the major companies?

    Reading through the many post of guys who have/haven’t completed courses leads me to believe getting a break in this industry requires black magic! is this the case?

    Are jobs with the main companies permanent? or are you constantly search for work?

    Lots of questions i know, however i am uber keen to get offshore and take up a challenging job, and if the money is not to shabby then all the better.

    Thanks again for replies.


    I think you have the edge, but I suggest still keep on reading some few post of individuals regarding their suggestions or let’s say enlightening comments for newbies that wanted to take this path. anyway good luck mate… hope you make it..



    Electrical trade qualification is a good start. Definitely something you should promote on a CV etc. I have a very similar background, it took me a year for the CV to land on the right desk at the right time but it was not as busy as it is right now.
    You can get work on a permanent basis with some companies but mostly its day rate and one job to the next. Its going to be busy again next year (so they say) but a good time to get a foot in the door is about early December as there are lots of up mans for the holiday period. All the Prima Donna’s want turkey and pudding at that time???
    Get your CV out to Asia, better rates and possibly more chance of getting a slot besides sitting on the beach in Phuket is far better than Aberdeen!!!

    Which Reg were/are you??

    Ray Shields

    You can get work on a permanent basis with some companies but mostly its day rate and one job to the next. Its going to be busy again next year (so they say) but a good time to get a foot in the door is about early December as there are lots of up mans for the holiday period. All the Prima Donna’s want turkey and pudding at that time???

    Getting a dayrate job as a Trainee will be very difficult (not impossible, unbelievably I do know of some!) The majority of Trainees are taken on as Staff.

    And you can forget about getting a job to replace people who dont want to work Christmas – its in 2 weeks time, you aint going to be employed in time for that NOR are you going to be sent to replace experienced people.

    Yes, you have a suitable background, yes it is a black art to get a job! There may be a shortage but there is no shortage of people desperate to get a job, Have a read through teh Rookies section and the FAQ section.

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