Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Should I become a ROV pilot

Should I become a ROV pilot

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Should I become a ROV pilot

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    OK so I am finishing school this year and may dad is a sat diver so he asked me if i would like it to become a ROV pilot ?? 😀 and is there a way where a company would pay fore may studies to become a pilot .And then of cores I must work fore that company fore a few years .I just don’t want to pay for the study and then i cant get any work 🙁 So what do you think ???? YES or NO

    Ray Shields

    In that case, i would say NO


    Well i supose its no use you staying on at School as you aint learnt how to spell yet. !!!

    Could always become a Bubble Head.


    I think you should ask yourself, Could I become an ROV Pilot?

    John Bridgett

    I think you should ask yourself, Could I become an ROV Pilot?

    Yesterday I couldn’t even spell ROV Pilot
    Now I are one!

    James McLauchlan

    OK so I am finishing school this year and may dad is a sat diver so he asked me if i would like it to become a ROV pilot ?? 😀 and is there a way where a company would pay fore may studies to become a pilot .And then of cores I must work fore that company fore a few years .I just don’t want to pay for the study and then i cant get any work 🙁 So what do you think ???? YES or NO

    It’s a technical trade… the clue is in the expression ‘ROV Pilot Tech‘. You don’t come across as overly technical. I think your written communication skills give the game away on that one.

    I can’t remember how many times over the years experienced people on here have advised that unless you have a technical background (Mech/Elec) you are looking at the wrong vocation! As a non techie you don’t simply complete an ROV course and hey presto! You’re on the road to a great lifestyle! It just doesn’t work like that!

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