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Home Forums General General Board Congo?

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    Have just been offered a job based in Congo and would like to hear what others have experienced there… (travel, safety, etc..)


    Gina McLauchlan

    Hi Jetfin,

    Never been there myself, but have heard stories of both good and bad experiences.

    One thing, if you do go, just make sure you are all up to date on all inoculations and are taking anti malaria pills.

    Good luck if you decide to go.


    Which Congo???
    If its the DRC avoid it.
    If its The republic of Congo its ok.
    Probably point Noirre which is not a problem just dont flash anything expensive although they dont practise the out and out banditry of Nigeria and other places.
    One other point Air france flies direct to Point Noirre. Dont get shafted into going to Brazzaville. Then you will get an internal Air Congo flight to Point Noirre. Simply make it plain from the start, air congo No No.
    A slightly better option is Tag to Angola then tag to point noirre. Tag is a bit dodgy but not in the same league as Air Congo.
    Jabs are a must and dont forget to take the yellow fever cert with you or they will stick a dodgy needle into you on arival!!!!!!!!


    Done my first trip in pointe noire been there twice now.Its ok. There are some good bars, Le Daktari aint bad its not full of street whores anyway. Trans Air Congo is a suspect airline. the ceiling was hanging down and there were arm rests falling off the chairs! Le Citreonella is a good cafe. I had no trouble there really, spent a week in migitel hotel. And the people are friendly. Make sure your yellow fever certificate is properly stamped otherwise they will try and get cash out of you. The new airport was open the last time i was there and they had stopped charging laptop tax.


    There are posts from 2007…. how does it look now?
    Can I go to Congo (Point Noirre) with my medicine?
    Can I take some food with me (sweets) or water in my suitcase?
    My yellow fever was made 5 years ago… could be a problem with that?
    I have heard that it is not good to take more money with you… better to keep 20-30 usd in wallet, is it true?
    Are there any problems at the airport or during the trip on the vessel? If someone would say to give him a few dollars for carry you or your luggage, better give or ignore him?

    Many questions but it will be my first trip to Congo (Point Noirre), I have been only in Egypt, but have an ideai that Egypt is better place than Congo.



    Anyone ever visited the Congo for work purposes and been sent there without a Visa?

    My company is trying to tell me it is okay to go and a local agent they will use through ENI who the contract is with will sort it out…..I have my doubts on this.

    Thanks in advance


    A wee while back (21years ago), 3 of us arrived with no visas, after 1hr in a detention room, we got our passports taken of us, well 2 of us did, aye the british passport holders only, the other guy was Oirish and he strolled in.
    Then we were thrown into the country and told to come back when we had an agent. So off we duly went and booked into the nearest Meridian and holed up there until OI sorted us out, jolly fine it was too 😀


    There are posts from 2007…. how does it look now?
    Can I go to Congo (Point Noirre) with my medicine?
    Can I take some food with me (sweets) or water in my suitcase?
    My yellow fever was made 5 years ago… could be a problem with that?
    I have heard that it is not good to take more money with you… better to keep 20-30 usd in wallet, is it true?
    Are there any problems at the airport or during the trip on the vessel? If someone would say to give him a few dollars for carry you or your luggage, better give or ignore him?

    Many questions but it will be my first trip to Congo (Point Noirre), I have been only in Egypt, but have an ideai that Egypt is better place than Congo.



    What is the problem with people on this site giving BIG issues about working in Africa? You probably have more risk on getting mugged in any Uk/European city in the later evening than you do in any African country that I have been to (Nigeria included). Get a life and get out there, cut the winching and perhaps join the Un0in if you want to do something positive. 😥 🙄

    Ray Shields

    What is the problem with people on this site giving BIG issues about working in Africa? You probably have more risk on getting mugged in any Uk/European city in the later evening than you do in any African country that I have been to (Nigeria included). Get a life and get out there, cut the winching and perhaps join the Un0in if you want to do something positive. 😥 🙄

    People who have been there are perfectly entitled to give their opinions on the place, and long may they continue.

    MANY people DO have issues with working in West Africa, I believe you are in the minority if you think any European city is more dangerous than some parts of West Africa.


    Ally wrote:

    You probably have more risk on getting mugged in any Uk/European city in the later evening than you do in any African country

    Absolute rubbish. I DARE you to walk alone in any African metropolis at night, especially if you are white skinned. You are seen as a wallet, not a person. I live in Africa and have lived in Europe so I know what I am talking about.

    Where do you live Ally? If its in Africa, you are an African apologist or blind to the realities.

    Heres the SOS International advisory site for any country:



    Ally wrote:

    You probably have more risk on getting mugged in any Uk/European city in the later evening than you do in any African country

    Absolute rubbish. I DARE you to walk alone in any African metropolis at night, especially if you are white skinned. You are seen as a wallet, not a person. I live in Africa and have lived in Europe so I know what I am talking about.

    Where do you live Ally? If its in Africa, you are an African apologist or blind to the realities.

    Heres the SOS International advisory site for any country:



    James McLauchlan

    What is the problem with people on this site giving BIG issues about working in Africa? You probably have more risk on getting mugged in any Uk/European city in the later evening than you do in any African country that I have been to (Nigeria included)

    Because there is a big issue!

    I have worked over that way a few times and I have to say that West Africa stands as one of the most dodgy areas I can think of to transit through for offshore work.
    Late at night, or even during the day if you are off the beaten track, you certainly do stand more risk of getting mugged there than in any UK/European city.


    I don’t want to break your nice conversation… but as I see some of you were working or even living in West Africa… so maybe some of you are able to answer on my few questions about the Congo (Point Noirre) ?

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