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SUBMEC, Base in Perth Australia, Has anyone worked for

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    SUBMEC, Base in Perth Australia, Has anyone worked for the company before, Considering to but unsure. ❓

    Andy Shiers

    I heard they were recruiting 🙂
    Even British pilots 😀

    Brad Nelson

    Any feedback from guys working for SUBMEC would be appreciated, especially in respect to vessel conditions, ROV’s and procedures they are running given they seem to be new in this area?


    Submec are good company to work for, new vehicles, good pay and 2 new Triton XLX systems coming. Decent bunch of guys to work with although some of the techs are still a bit inexperienced but thats a global thing for the moment. Possibly the next Canyon and will be the best company in Australia to work for.

    James McLauchlan

    Submec is run by a guy I know. It’s a sound organisation.

    They supply crew to TSMarine in Perth, so if you do work for them you could end up on one of TSM’s boats, either the Harmony or the Rem Etive which are both new (ish). A few months back the Oz guys seemed all excited that the Etive was heading into Oz. It turned out that it was like a palace compared to the rest of the local junk they normally get to work on.
    I say ‘junk’, because that because is how it was explained to me that way by a few Oz guys when I was on the Etive.

    If you are a foreigner (for that also read Brit) you will pay full Oz tax on any income you derive there. Oz ROV pay is way better than the North Sea. Why? Because they have a strong Uni0n and stand behind it. So as long as you are on agreed Oz Uni0n rates you will be better off than a guy working in UK waters. I would also suggest that if you want to fit in (offshore) there might be some mileage becoming a UK RMT/OILC Uni0n member before heading down there. You might get a better reception that way.

    Brad Nelson

    Rates are always important, but just as important are the boys you work with, the systems you work on, and the procedures in place as far as stores, spares, tech support and reliable crew changes. Thankfully rates in Oz are finally on the rise, and as you point out James now higher than the mighty GBP, but after working for a few companies all over, wanting to go back to work is just as important as the rate you go back for. Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming, especially those boys with SUBMEC now.


    Submec are apparently quite good to work for. I’ve seen their workshop which is a little small as they are contractors for companies like TS Marine and previously Subsea7. Dave Wishart is the guy to get in contact with.

    They are paying the highest rates in Australia which is excellent even after taking into account tax.


    They are paying the highest rates in Australia which is excellent even after taking into account tax.

    So what are the rates then?


    As per their collective work agreement:

    Onshore – Hourly Rate (based on 9 hours)
    ROV Superintendent $125.00
    ROV Supervisor $110.00
    Senior Pilot Technician $100.00
    Pilot Technician 1 $90.00
    Pilot Technician 2 $80.00
    Trainee $70.00

    Offshore – Daily Rate (based on 12 hours)

    ROV Superintendent $1,500.00
    ROV Supervisor $1,326.00
    Senior Pilot Technician $1,206.00
    Pilot Technician 1 $1,086.00
    Pilot Technician 2 $965.00
    Trainee $845.00

    Example: A Supervisor working 185 days will earn around 850 AUD/day after tax, which is 740 USD or 396GBP if you will.

    Have fun 🙂


    Sorry but I have to say that those rates are hardly the highest rates paid in Australia by any stretch of the imagination.
    Try 1650 AUD daily for Supv and 1850 AUD daily for a Supt as a start.
    I should know, i am paying it…



    Haha sorrry Joel…
    Might I say, since you have crossed over, Neptunes payrates have increased heavilly. I was only going by a rates comparison between Submec, SS7, Canyon and Technip.
    Hey Jamesmc, could you tranfer all this info onto the payrates thread.


    yes , and those neptune rates helped leverage the rates at sonsub singapore as well.

    i heard they all got another 50 ..er.. pesos? was it ?, per day recently, plus an extra bowl of rice and unrestricted use of the bicycle during mobs (bike for spt and above only though).

    guess that should halt the mass exodus of all the top guys from sonsub to neptune.

    full marks to neptune on their rates and congratulations on their first big project going well and on time. Those are the rewards a good company reaps when you pay good rates and attract top people. wish more companies realised that


    Cheers. Makes it easier to move without a multinational dictating what you can and can not do.


    Craig Roberts

    As for the strength of Uni0n in Oz, the collective workplace agreements that most companies have in place keep the Uni0n out for a period of 3 years, the rates are an agreement between the companies and the workforce, the MUA has never recommended that the agreement get voted up but they have all been voted up on the first or second offer. The MUA makes alot of noise but its the discussions between management and the workforce that decide that rates and more importantly the conditions.


    Submec are apparently quite good to work for. I’ve seen their workshop which is a little small as they are contractors for companies like TS Marine and previously Subsea7. Dave Wishart is the guy to get in contact with.

    They are paying the highest rates in Australia which is excellent even after taking into account tax.

    Dave Wishart is a storeman with Subsea7 Perth. He has nothing too do with SUBMEC

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