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    Anybody ever work for Halul? How are they?



    Scott Beveridge

    Like most companies in my not-so-favorite-region-on-Earth, the expat managers are usually regular Joes but the folks they work for…..?? 👿

    Andy is cool and I’m sure he wouldn’t try to make anything (profit) from the guys he’s hired. Probably would (literally) get his hand chopped off!! But the pay Dude … 🙄 it goes with the rest of the region


    Is there a contact person and e-mail

    Scott Beveridge

    Is there a contact person and e-mail

    Yep, here ya’ go:

    Andy Bartle Asst. Diving Ops. Mgr. / ROV Ops. Mgr.

    Halul Offshore

    email: andy@haluloffshore.com

    or rov@haluloffshore.com

    Tel: +974 588 3617

    They’re running Mohawks, Super Mohawks, and I believe, Panthers


    Scotbeve, you are absolutely correct in stating that the Op’s Managers are cool, but the companies that employ them are ruthless money grabbing tw@ts! The profit margins in the M.E. are better than most regions due to cheap labour and minimal taxes, yet the greedy mofo’s like to kick the ars3 out of profiteering!


    Never mind that, who has a handle like the Baron anyway, are you ex-Luftwaffe? 😆


    Comp’dup, I’m sorry that my handle offends you. I too was a little bemused when my crew and Sqn. started to use it as my callsign whilst serving with the Desert Rats (7th Armoured Brigade), but it stuck. As you well know, once your military muckers tag you, you’re pretty much stuck with the nick-name for the rest of your career.
    Again, I apologise for the offense I have caused you. It was purely unintentional.
    Perhaps you would like to share your crab-nick with the rest of the forum?

    Scott Beveridge

    Never mind that, who has a handle like the Baron anyway, are you ex-Luftwaffe? 😆

    Hmmmm… Did you ever "tink" he could live in a place that is _ _ _ _ _ _???

    Ummmm….. might be a bit deep or void for some of your minds… hint (yet again)


    they also have you "on call" ie no sleep as you will be up every 2 mins!!
    24 hr ops with one crew *uck that!!

    Scott Beveridge

    they also have you "on call" ie no sleep as you will be up every 2 mins!!
    24 hr ops with one crew *uck that!!


    Guess you were on the _ untaff. Did one trip on it, Roger was okay – though we had some words and I did lock the door in the cabin (loose word that eh?). His opposite was the biggest plonker in the ever-increasing gaseous wastes that call themselves diving supts!!!

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