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Nice to see a little sense of humour!!!

Home Forums General General Board Nice to see a little sense of humour!!!

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    It’s nice to sit back and see some of the humorous side from our industry, the occasional slagging of of various individuals does no real harm, we are all together to try to better our life style conditions etc. the occasional banter is part of life but unfortunately there are no pointy wizard hats that can make a rookie a supervisor in five minutes,,,, you must review your capabilities.
    Most of us are free-lance and rely on our reputation—- this is how we are graded and paid by companies. On a number of occassions I have worked as ET and had a better day rate than the supervisor, but also worked as supervisor only to find an agency tech that was required desperateley to be on more money than me with no experience on the system. It may seem unfair but as many of you pointed out -when the quiet periods come only the best will have work. The day rates will always vary and people will move from one company to another but then they appear to be unreliable and are quite often ignored after a while. One other trend I notice is that many companies now want BA honours degree just to grease a winch, yeah, go to school for 10 years but you dont know your ass from your elbow. Who is going to employ techs from UK when there are plenty in Asia (one of the biggest growing sectors) who do not require N.Sea rates. We live in a different enviroment with much less overheads and time off is time off!!
    There will be a quiet period at sometime soon, it happens with all industries so just take it easy do the job and you may be the one who survives.



    You raise an interesting point/topic. When do you think the bubble will burst?


    Is that when the bubble will burst or when their bubble will burst….?

    Come on, any experienced (daren’t say supervisors!!) amongst us will know the fluctuations in the industry and any abatement in work isn’t on the horizon…..

    It’s all good for us (well…..some of us!)……hope I can last another 20 years til retirement….



    This topic was entitled "nice to see a little humour" and that’s exactly what I am seeing no humour, if you want to talk about the longevity of oil and gas work, then mark the topic as such, not trying to con people into your forum with false promises of joviality.
    The Duke


    Not really trying to be to serious, but it appears that many people are ready to knock others all the time ,all I suggest is taking easy and working with your colleagues and have an easy time offshore. We all know there are quiet periods and sometimes real boom times thats the world as it is. Not under our control as you know, sometimes companies try to play mind games and use a little blackmail ,I put up with this for a number of years but the frustration and fear of losing my job because of a difference of opinion is not worth the hassle, I much prefer to sort out my day rate ,duration of trip, then go out do the job and come back letting the company know when I will next e available. Have had many enjoyable jobs, work went well and had a great time with the guys on the way back and then relax till next time. As I wrote before it’s good to see some guy’s having a laugh and apparently enjoying there work.

    Scott Beveridge


    Well said Dude – See lads, a little praise / positive input every now and then can be nice (for a change). I guess quite a few people will know what region Mr. Polo and myself prefer to work.

    Andy Shiers

    Hull 😕


    Hi Lostboy,
    Spent a couple of years on fishing boats and worked out of Hull,Lowestoft and Brixham, maybe not the best places in the world but we always had a laugh when we had time off, you know yourself that even here in SE Asia that in some areas there are some countries/states that prohibit the consumption of alcohol but somewhere in the back streets all is available if you ask the right people, usually with a fistfull of Rupia ,Ringit or Yuan, no such problem in Thailand but the girlfriend has a short leash on me.


    Well there we go ,a reply from Gt Yarmouth, went there years ago -a fishing village turning into a holiday resort, North sea so a little cold but plenty of offshore work or fishing work if you want it, myself: was in the midlands for years but decided to make the break and moved to SE asia, life is a little easier here and work is local, IE China, Indonesia, Singapore and Australasia. I think that agencies also agree with that as its easier to send an ex-pat to a job site than organise flights half way around the world. North Sea rates are good also Dutch /Norwegian sector ,no disputing that but I value my time off and could see no reason to continue living in the UK, my day rte may be less here but the weather,company , friends and other factors far outway the UK life style. I am sure that others on the forum will agree to this , I know of many divers/rov residing in Pattaya,Phuket ,Isaan etc,etc. Regards Polo.

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