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NRB Lists

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  • #843

    Do ROV companies have NRB lists?
    Do Supervisors have NRB Lists?
    Is it right to have such lists? Does anyone know if they’re on one?

    Are people scared to name names?


    Judging by the the majority of your posts, and if I had such a list, you and Stupid Tiresome Annoying Replies would be top of mine. 🙂


    😈 😆


    Effinreps – Don’t think there will be much chance we shall meet. Don’t do drill support.


    Never say never !!!


    Your in-COMP-etant ASS-umption (like the majority of your posts) is totally incorrect. The last time I was on a drill support job you were probably still sucking your dummy 🙂

    Probably about 3 years ago 😯


    now now children 😳


    Do ROV companies have NRB lists?


    Do Supervisors have NRB Lists?

    Not really, they can ask for somebody to be NRB though.

    Is it right to have such lists? Does anyone know if they’re on one?

    Depends on your point of view. Generally there is a very good reason for Not being Required Back. Even if NRB, it doesn’t guarantee 100% that you won’t be back. You forgot to mention the clients, they have NRB lists too.

    Are people scared to name names?

    Okay compdup, what is your real name ? 🙂


    in-COMP-etant and Stupid Tiresome Annoying Replies, if I could use an analogy, remind me of a stupid little puppy trying to pounce on a wise old cat. Every time it tries to pounce the wise old cat will give it a swipe and the pup runs off yelping with it’s tail between it’s legs. Because the pup is young and foolish and not grown up properly yet, it will try again 2 minutes later with the same result. This continues almost endlessly untill the pup understands the futility of what he is doing.

    Very irritating for the cat but extremely entertaining for the onlookers.

    Keep at it comp and star you might win NOOOOOOOT 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Do ROV companies have NRB lists?
    Do Supervisors have NRB Lists?
    Is it right to have such lists? Does anyone know if they’re on one?

    Are people scared to name names?

    Do supvervisors have NRB lists? Yes we do, now answer BB’s question and name yourself. Stupid won’t! Are you brave enough?


    NRB lists are in existence everywhere, on rigs,ships and workshops. Also in the heads of supervisors, on a number of occasions when working as supervisor offshore I have been faxed a list of techs available for crew change and could pick who I wanted, so there I make the decision as to who comes back and when 1 or 2 supervisors keep on rejecting one specific individual for incompetence,violent behavior or drink problem the office soon catches on and that individual is no longer offered work.

    Andy Shiers

    I can think of someone in particular who would be NRB’d if I find out who it is 🙂
    He is not a "Team player" and has a chip on his shoulder 🙂
    Such is life 😯


    i’ve often been given a list of guys available, or even asked (in fact just yesterday!) "do ya know this guy?". If he’s crap I’ll say so…and recommend he not come out.

    Compd, you’ve only got your reputation in this industry. By the sounds of things, and i’ve read some of your other posts as well; ( Particularly the little ditty concerning lazy Supervisors…lol) your reputation might already be a bit shaky……

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