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ROV World Dues!!

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  • #847

    A challenge to all the lads to get pay up £30 a year if you use the site…I landed a steady number and know a number of people in the have gained ££ from contacts from the site
    I am aware the site is supported by various avenues of advertisement.

    I n an effort to show my appreciation for what I got out of the site that is my way of support….you lads up to it.?


    Sounds like a good shout to me,


    Scott Beveridge

    Hey all,

    James and Gina do have a Donations sidebar there on the right. But if say, 10% of us folks that have used the site regularly donated like GBP 10 per year per person that would be great. Agreed James and Gina?? Say, for (most important) their valued TIME, paid upgrades on programs that they use, electric bills, ISP bills, etc.


    Sounds like a plan to me :tup:

    James McLauchlan

    Like most of you guys…. both of us work offshore.
    We don’t derive our income from this site (no chance!) but strive to keep it active along with invaluable assistance from the like of Ron at Ron’s ROV links, Ray, and others that are part of our web team.

    There is not a requirement to donate, but if you feel that you have gained something from our efforts then feel free to add to our operational fund. It’s so easy with PayPal.

    BTW.. we are now producing ROVworld.com Polo shirts… at the moment they are being handed out (FOC) to members that we meet and work with offshore. So if you are wondering where the funds are currently going now you know. There is no profit in this. In addition we have subsidised the costs of shirt production from our own pockets.
    The only drawback with the so called FOC method is that it is a drain on funds.. big style!

    Here is a suggestion…. Donate more than GBP25.00 (or equivalent in USD) to the site (Via PayPal) and we will send you a shirt. Please bear in mind that (as mentioned above) we both work offshore, and we have a limited stock, so there may be a delay in shipping. No! we are not for a moment suggesting that you simply pay GBP25.00 for a shirt, but if you wish to donate (voluntarily) an amount of GBP 25.00 or more you will receive a shirt by way of thanks, from both Gina and I.

    Scott Beveridge


    We wouldn’t use these shirts for mopheads!!!!



    Benny Edelman

    Get some google advertisements in the site.
    Everyone who enter will click on few to support you.
    The money will start rolling. 😀


    Google?! Not such a good idea. Thankfully I have now found a way to circumnavigate google analytics. Big Brother is not only watching you…he ‘pwns’ YOU! 😯

    James McLauchlan


    We wouldn’t use these shirts for mopheads!!!!

    Not sure how to take that but………

    That’s nice to know though.
    We’d hate them to be used for mop heads when there generally is the odd mop head around on most jobs anyway 😉


    hey – be the most expensive mop head I’ve ever paid for ! 😆 😆

    Ah, scotbeve, the old "duble-entendre?"

    I only use the ones that the catering crew manage to shrink to a size 0 – they’re practically anhydrous then! Their nae yees tae man neer beest efter ‘at . 😳

    James McLauchlan

    Get some google advertisements in the site.
    Everyone who enter will click on few to support you.
    The money will start rolling. 😀

    It’s an idea Benny and I do use google ad links on another website ( http://www.varaderoforum.com ) however we feel that having a few banner ads at the top, and the odd amazon link is enough for the moment.

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