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The only way is up!

Home Forums General General Board The only way is up!

  • This topic has 11 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #850

    I realise that that i am slightly biased here so i will just stick to the facts.

    Fugro ROV (Singapore) are certainly getting pretty serious regarding ROV’s.

    The following systems are due for delivery in 2007. This does indicate we are pulling out the stops to utilise quality equipment in the Asia pacific region.

    1) S.E.L. Olympian workclass (Completely refurbished and looking factory new)
    2) Seaeye Panther Plus (927) (brand new and straight from the factory)
    3) 2 x Seaeye Falcons (brand new and straight from the factory)
    4) 2 x FCV 3000 ( Fugro new Flagship vehicle – Deepwater)

    This is the reason for the recent requirements for both onshore and offshore staff and Freelance crew.

    The ROV department has grown considerbly with both day rate and full time salary packages on offer to rivial that being offered in the rest of the world.

    To all those who have previously worked for us here in asia as well as those who want to get involved, now is a good time to contact us either through our website or direct.


    Scott Beveridge


    You’re not biased, you’re doing your job. And you’re probably getting alot of exposure through this site.

    Might be worth a go lads. ‘Specially for the guys over that way.


    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for that mate. Hope to see you back soon!




    Nice new vehicles, great stuff. My cv is at the office now and it would be nice to be in Singapore for a few days again . Hope the phone rings soon as more than two weeks of beer and roast dinners does no good for the waistline of an old git like me.
    POLO 50 and happy.

    Mark DuPriest

    When can those of us that have taken you up on your offer expect to hear from you or conclude you are not interested and pursue other paths to fullfillment…any time frame here? ❓


    Fugro Singapore certainly filled their slots quick for August considering the amount of work going on now around the world.I wonder how much they are paying.Has anyone asked them that question??.

    James McLauchlan

    To see an established operator interacting on this site, this way, kind of makes it all worthwhile for us and, I guess, our members.

    I hope it works out for all concerned.



    During the month of July please send all CV’s and questions to the following email.


    I am currently going on leave for a couple of weeks.

    Please state a referance to this website when writing to Jane.

    or alternatively call the main office number on +65 65461157 and ask for Jane.



    Scott Beveridge

    Fugro Singapore certainly filled their slots quick for August considering the amount of work going on now around the world.I wonder how much they are paying.Has anyone asked them that question??.

    It’s not bad brigs


    The Olympian looking completly new! 😮
    Don’t make me laugh,completly re-furbished by a bunch of trainees in Aberdeen. Think i might stay clear of that one then 😆

    Ray Shields

    I realise that that i am slightly biased here so i will just stick to the facts.

    1) S.E.L. Olympian workclass (Completely refurbished and looking factory new)

    4) 2 x FCV 3000 ( Fugro new Flagship vehicle – Deepwater)

    Olympian "looking factory new"? The one that was in Aberdeen base?? You should get a job in advertising…!

    FCVs? Yet to be proved in the real world being operated on real jobs.



    Your fantastic speil over the last few weeks seems to be coming a little unravelled of late….You should take a look at the thread about your "factory new" Olympian because it tells a slightly different story. You should however be commended for at least trying to drag your reputation out of the mud in Asia…….

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