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Getting a foot in the door

Home Forums General General Board Getting a foot in the door

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  • #861

    Hello boys and girls I`m new on here. The reason I joined the site was that I am just about to leave the RAF and I have contacted loads of sites with my CV with no joy(apart from an interview with I-Tech) 🙁 . Can anyone tell me who I should contact about getting a job as a trainee pilot/tech? Any info would be awesome. Cheers Shieldsy

    Scott Beveridge

    Look at the front index page then the world is your oyster…..


    Kin hell if I read another post about an ex waffa trying to get a start in the industry the ex waffa on my shift is going to suffer!!


    Lol cheers for your input commando so where is this index page? Bearing in mind i`m new to the site………


    Oh Lord! Please help me to be strong; thou must restore my dwindling store of patience. Lord, I’m feeling a moment of weakness…….I’m on the verge of CRACKING UUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPP!!!!!!!! 👿 I CAN’T TAKE
    IT ANYMORE…..sniff…sob, sniff!

    Temp, are you gonna have a word in his shell-like, or is it a lost cause?!



    Oh dear, oh dear……….

    Sheildsy, anything worth having isn’t going to fall on your lap, you’ve got to go and get it. If you can’t navigate a website then there’s little chance you’ll navigate anywhere in civvy street let alone the offshore industry.

    Do some homework and lots of it if you wish to succeed, there’s loads of similar posts and advice on this and other sites, read and take note.

    Top tip: be prepared to be disappointed, very disappointed………..

    Good luck



    Cheeky %*^£s thanks for ur help

    Andy Shiers

    He is only being honest me waffer thin matey 😀
    Putting your question in the right website thread would have been a starter , But ,………….. then again if you had read the thread you wouldna be asking the niave question now 🙂 would you 😀

    Murray Blom

    How the f..k did you lot win in the Falklands if the RAF personnel don’t know how to find a f..kn index page????? 😯

    If this guy makes it into the industry I pity the poor bastard who ends up holding his hand offshore. 🙁

    Shieldsy, get a dictionary and read up on the meaning of the word ‘Index’ that might help, if it doesn’t then the offshore ROV business isn’t for you.


    Scott Beveridge


    I think the lad has learned that much by now – I hope. So we’ll give him a little slack – for now.

    But ROV Sup (note: I left the er out) does have a point about know-it-all-lads (lasses) that wouldn’t know a spanner from screwdriver, an amp-clamp from a resistor, but they’ll know / remember all the initials after their name.

    Andy Shiers


    Murray Blom

    What you trying to say there Scot?????

    I’m not Super????

    Just ask lostboy, he’ll tell you I’m a super bloke who could probably be conned into buying you a beer next time I make it to the LOS.

    Well that’s if Load Lucan ever ups the rates and makes it worth while returning 😯

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