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Cart before the horse!

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    It’s important to be careful what you wish for… I have now spent a small fortune on a 300m inspection ROV w/ arm and production quality cams, duplicate umbilicals, consoles, eveything. Even setup a new survey boat to launch and support. The problem? Well finding work to keep it from becoming a conversation item.
    Has anyone else found it difficult to attract work? Is it too soon to promote work inland at affordable rates?
    I’d appreciate comments, thanks.

    Scott Beveridge


    Are you from NY state or did you spell the word nae incorrectly??

    The industry is just "a little bit" busy now…..

    I suggest that you REALLY do a bit more free marketing on websites dealing with the ROV industry. And dude? Please make your rates competitive not under-cuts….. Ask around. 😕

    Jason Garic

    Have you tried networking with other companies. Maybe they could use you and your kit in a package job. Just an idea. If it works, could generate consistant work.



    I am going to assume that you did your research into this before spending "a small fortune" Mind you you know what assume means right.

    "makes an ASS out of U and ME" 😳

    Good luck mate, hope it works out :tup:



    Thanks for the reply guys, no I’m not out to damage pricing by any means. I am retired SAT and being a comm diver really hate undercuts.
    Yes, I’m centered out of upstate ny and I know the industry pretty darn well. I do know that the UK seems to be out in front when it comes to this business though!
    Stay safe!

    Scott Beveridge


    Really dude, you shouldn’t have a problem marketing the vehicle. If you want to stay inland, try the land management folks in conjunction with the dam folks for dam inspections. Especially earthen dams…

    Jason Garic

    Give Veolia hydrographic survey a shout. Their out of Appleton Wisconsin. Lots of observation work in the Lakes, etc.

    Andy Shiers

    May I enquire what expensive ROV you have bopught ?


    You may, It’s a Prometeo from Italy. Guess I could’ve bought another house.


    If you care to see a pic….. http://www.rovsurveys.com
    Right now I do primarily body S&R

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