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Hard beds and no comms.

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    What did I do wrong? Should have studied harder at school I guess!

    All I ask is for a comfy’ ish bed, clean’ish cabin and an internet connection. surely that is not too much to ask?

    Any recomendations on ships (outside of Noggie/UK waters) that can satisfy the above. I’ve done enough squaller over the years…it’s taking its toll 🙄


    If you are in the ME, then try the OSV Relume. Piped internet and satellite in every room, as well as the en-suite. Bars on each floor. Not bad for a vessel operating in the ME! 😯

    Ray Shields

    My contract in 1994 said I was entitled to one 10 minute phone call via ship-shore radio (Stonehaven Radio!) every 2 weeks!

    Nowadays everyone moans if they dont have hi speed broadband in their bunk!

    🙄 🙄


    Thats becourse this is 2007 not 1994, i started offshore some 30 years ago and glad to see its going fwd.


    Ray, when I was at school we were issued a lead pencil and those Bic pens that were supposed to look like fountain pens. Now, every child in my kids’ two respective schools are issued laptops. Yeah, I think it’s fair to say that internet offshore should be the norm, and not the exception. 🙄

    Ray Shields

    The school issues laptops to all of the children? Obviously some posh private school funded from your offshore adventures then 😆


    Sheesh man, you still have "bunks" They are so 70’s.
    You were lucky…I remember when blah…6 mins a month on the bat phone if you are lucky. That equated to about 50 quid,sorry don’t know what that is in Pounds Shilling and Pence. 😉

    There are a few vessels around (and I am sure no one wil spill the beans) that have some amenaties. Comfy beds etc. I am amazed at the amount of ships around Asia that don’t have the I-Net in this day an age.
    How about the med?


    Hi Ray
    Get real, come to 2007, dont tell me you dont like internet, a pc is the future for your children, you should know that, dont you have a pc and internet at home?????

    Ray Shields

    Hi Ray
    Get real, come to 2007, dont tell me you dont like internet, a pc is the future for your children, you should know that, dont you have a pc and internet at home?????

    Course I like Internet, and of course I like Internet and phones offshore. What made you think I didn’t? There are still many ships/rigs out there that still have extremely basic (one PC for the whole ship)/no internet access at all. Thankfully they are getting fewer and fewer.

    Children can bugger off and get their own computer, they’re not getting mine 😆 I had Internet and PC in my home in 1994 when we were being offered ship-shore radio offshore.


    Nope! I’m not generous enough to put my kids in private schools. I guess I just picked a good place to live. BTW, it’s a few thousand klicks away from Grim Britain! 😉

    Andy Shiers

    Ya did the right thing Baron von Grubber 😀
    All the papers are saying at the momento is about how 385000 Brits have left old blighty since July 😯
    They aint your Council twat scroungers / Gypsy spongers /Rich Haw Haws or your regular immigrants from the dark continent But the
    BACKBONE of Great Britain 😥
    It’s a shame that we have a tremendous History that has been reduced to Politically correct f@#’ed -up politicians that own houses abroad 😥
    We should do what Australia have done and banned the pricks 👿
    More tea anyone 🙄



    A very good comment and totally valid
    There was a very good article in the Times over the weekend on just how far the UK the gone to accommodate the very people who do not contribute to the country
    I am not going to get all political but more people will vote with their feet and move abroad
    I have, Viva La Revolution

    Greetings from Paris

    Andy Shiers

    Yep 🙂
    You only get out what you put in 😛
    Sow for the harvest and ye shall reap the rewards 😀
    You don’t like what we are about ? Then F#@k -off back to where you came from 👿
    I hear that this Government is planning on closing all the loop holes to getting the tax rebate back on the 183 day clause 😯 by the year 2008
    It seems that The politicians , Treasurer and tax orifice Are full of complete muppets that do not realise the tremendous amount of money they will loose from the oil industry people, Once they do this , I for one will emigrate like alot of others soley on that reason 👿
    ViVa La Revolution
    Do you like Butter on your scones or margerine 🙄

    Maurice Onuoha

    Lostboy, everyone wants a good pay and no one wants to pay tax. Off you go to a tax heaven country. ❓


    like go to thailand dude ….

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