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Companies Now checking backgrounds!!!!

Home Forums General General Board Companies Now checking backgrounds!!!!

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    I have just confirmed to go out with a well known uk company i have been chasing for ages.

    I kept emailing them without reply and then decided to call them up (I currently live in Malaysia)

    They told me that they were checking my CV background before they responded, when i asked why they are doing this the response i got although scary did make sense.

    They said that due to high demands in the field the amount of guys adding experinece was increasing all the time.

    They explained that they have already suffered badly from hoax CV’s

    Thank fully i actually played down my CV as i am not interested in taking the lead anymore (been there done that).

    So to one and all it seems companies are getting smart and I for one do feel a little more relieved if people are going to the trouble of checking as it would be scary to find that you are the only one on a team who has been int he game more than 5 minutes.

    Oh well as the song goes " my bags are packed and i am leaving on a jet plane dont know when i’ll be back again"

    C ya



    Its the only reasonable thing to do with so many people embellishing their CVs. I am sure the vast majority here know or have heard incredible lies just to get a start or even promotion. I am not naming names but I know a chap who swears blind he has 4 HNDs and was a time served sparky onshore before he was 22………….so yes for Gods sake check CVs.
    Best advice is to be honest and stop lying (on CVs and at work) – its such a small industry it will not take too long to find out the chancers. Supervisors want guys they can trust and depend on, if you don’t know, ASK. Its far better to ask questions or ask for help than carry out work you are not sure of.

    Blowhole this is not a personal attack, more an extention of your message.


    Cheers for the extension and no worries i know it wasnt a personal attack.

    If the companies are going to send out inexperienced guys all i ask is that we are told in advance. That way we can prepare.

    Some inexperienced guys come out and within a week offer some great help and even ideas gained from their past experiences in a different life.

    Oh and there is the other side of that coin!!!

    Andy Shiers

    I know for a fact that GREEDY Agencies have embellished CV’s to help promote their people on the books 👿
    Their excuse being …………………………………………………….
    ‘Bums on seats’
    ‘The ROV company knew they were inexperienced but the Oil company dosen’t’

    Ray Shields

    Did anyone else hear the possibly urban myth of the guy who blagged himself a job offshore as an electricians mate. He had no qualifications at all in fact had never worked with electrics before.

    First day on the rig he’s sitting in the smoking shack, starts speaking to another guy in there. He tells him "I blagged my way into this job, I got it through a mate I know, I have no idea about the job, but the pay is fantastic. What do you do?"

    The other guy said "Oh, I’m the OIM…"

    Exit one blagger…


    its scary… i worked with a guy that said he knew electronics and HV electrics, so we had the PDU open… checking it and he went straight in there with a bloody long screw driver wanting to prod.. i wished he did now.. would be one less dim whit.. that dangers peoples lives..
    Fair enough get your foot in the door but dont lie on your experience, specially in a industry that has lots and lots of hazards. Safety is the major issue offshore, and lying about your experience is wrong!
    not only that when your on down time and you depending on that GUY that said he knew the works.. then turns out he never and yer up shit creek…

    erse! 😳 💡 😳 😥 😳 😛 😡 😯 😕 8) 😆 😮 🙁 🙂 😀 👿 😉 🙄 💡 ❓ ❗ 👿 😈 🙄 🙄 🙄

    Maurice Onuoha

    Honesty they say pays. A lession for those that like taking short cuts and reaping where they didn’t sow. I have come across many in this game.
    So be warned!!!!!!!


    Last week i was argued with by a Guy on the ship who tried to persuade me that electronics and electrical circuits will run fine with just one wire, yeah right same guy fucked up a schilling arm and then blamed me for it after I was asked by a supervisor to take over and fix it for the prat. Now me and the workshop manager dont get on because this cunt is his friend so i get the blame for all his screwups, i am thinking that if i cant resolve this i may have to swop companies,

    He actually addmitted to me he know nothing about electronics or engineering!!!!

    sooner or later this idiot is going to kill someone with his ignorance.


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