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ROV Mantra

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    All trainees should have to stand up in front of the crew and repeat the ROV Mantra before graduating to pilot.

    This is my ROV. There are many like it but this one is mine. My ROV is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my ROV is useless. Without my ROV I am useless. I must fly my ROV true. I must fly straighter than Oceaneering, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my ROV and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.



    Pilot Pyle! Get your ass off of my ROV!

    Andy Shiers

    Funny 😆

    Maurice Onuoha

    Get a life TheBlackFingerNail, If you can’t fly Magnums or Milleniums its not Oceaneering problem but yours. 😳 😆


    Dear Muo,

    Did you have your sense of humor removed at birth?? or did you have to work at it ??

    Or do you work for Oceaneering and it removed just after you got the job??

    Nice1 Private TheBaron and Priavte Lostboy you got it in 1 unlike Private Gomer Muo.

    I *am*… in a world… of shit.



    The Finger

    Maurice Onuoha

    Thanks a lot, Rimmer or is it Fingers, and dream on.


    So after reciting the oath do we evolve from Maggots into Flys or maybe moths for the night shift.


    Bats for nights

    Nah, probably just Muppets


    As a regular member of the night shift I would be hard pushed to disagree…oops I mean I strongly deny being a muppet….In fact I would describe the night shift as gods gift to offshore. Kind of like the special forces of the ROV world.

    Infact keeping with this thread Day shift are marines but night shift are the the marine sniper re-con or the SAS (super army soliders)


    Andy Shiers

    So , Your’e doing Drill support then 😕


    Recently upgraded back to survey and some construction work. I was shocked when I got back. ROV’s can stay in the water for more than an hour and don’t drowned. 🙂 I thought they only ever did three dives a week but apparently they can do loads and stay in the water for ages.

    If you Oceaneering guys don’t believe me try it 😆


    After the oath has been spoken only the true of heart and straitest of flyer will emerge and turn into Jolly green giants

    The only dreams I have Muo are when My thoughts drift back to erect nipple wet dreams about Mary Jane Rottencrotch and the Great Homecoming Fuck Fantasy. I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I’m in a world of shit… yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid. .

    How tall are you Muo?.

    If you need any advice feel free to PM me Or RimMe 😛

    Later Fingers 😕



    are you trying to start a cult?? 😆


    💡 7.62FMJ Cult, perhaps.
    I’m off to check my footlocker for jelly doughnuts. 😳

    Maurice Onuoha

    Good old fingers,no thanks but keep thinking how tall I’m, that will put you in the mood for your next dream. 😳 😕 🙂

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