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Working out of Qatur

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    With a possible job in Qatar, Just wondering what to expect. What’s it like in regards to travel, safety, and the usual inconveniences. Also anyone ever work for Hallul Marine in this area. 😕

    Benny Edelman

    not sure about Halul but generally Qatar is safe and organized. You won’t get alcohol during Ramadan even in hotel bars.


    I have worked in Qatar many times and have also worked for Halul.
    There Project Manager Andy is a good lad so you will be ok there.
    Qatar as a place has grown in the last 5 years, Not sure if it is true about not getting a beer during Ramadan, As i have lived in Dubai for the last 5 years, And even Abu Dhabi where up till a year ago was dry through Ramadan, Now like Dubai you can get a beer after 7 o clock.
    Enjoy your trip ther is a british club just outside the city beside the new sports arena they built for the asiam games last year think its called Garlands cant remember.
    There are plenty bars to go to and girls if thats what you are looking for.
    If you are working for Halul you may be stuck out in Ras Laffan, About an hour from Qatar centre and nothing to do there as its the main terminal for the LPG.


    Worked over there in dry spells on the vessel Katiaf (bit of a shitter)
    not best of pay….this was back in my 3.4u days

    Andy Shiers

    Yes , the Khattaf 😕
    A very depressing ship 🙁


    I see they finally got rid of the Gonad(Enad). That will probably be polluting up Bombay High next, if that’s at all possible! 😯


    As far as Qatar is concerned, yes it is safe. Whoever said you can’t get alcohol in the hotel bars, must of been at a different hotel than me but I am not an alcholic…….just a beer now and then.

    I got paid in cash and never had a problem. The exchange gave me a better rate than my bank too!

    Scott Beveridge

    Yes , the Khattaf 😕
    A very depressing ship 🙁

    Especially with the sun-tanning-tourist-type-OIM they had / have (?)

    Andy is a righteous dude and easy to get along with, it’s just the company he works for that can be trying the majority of the time…

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