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    Just wondered if anyone can give me some info on Sonsub and what they are like as a company to work for?….

    They have offered me a contract as staff was just wantin to know do you get equalish time off or are they on the phone a week or so after getting home?..Also just general info on the vessels etc….

    Any Info would be greatly appreciated…



    Where are they offering the job from? UK, Singapore etc…..

    Singapore work will be on old crappy vehicles on old crappy vessels with crappy food and little to no comms, sometimes you will get on a decent vessel but not often.


    1700 is 730 English pound, dont think so, why is all the people from down under not working there.


    The offer is based out of the UK….The financial package etc is good but just dont wanna be messed about with leave if I do 4-5 weeks away I expect 4-5 at home…..


    4 on 4 off, only place you’ll find that will be drill support, if your vessel based could be quite eratic considering the business at the minute.

    how much days per year is the contract offer?


    Its vessel based but there telling me its 4 on 4 off obviously give or take a few days……Will be working with there new Innovator Systems….Have been told that the Saipem 7000 has a lot of work and its one of the biggest pipelayers in the world has anyone been on this if so whats it like?



    Deepdown, wrong thread you are thinking of the TS marine thread!


    Deepdown is confused me thinks….. 😀


    4 on 4 off as a staff member is rapidly becoming a thing of the past mostly due to there being no staff at most of the companies in the industry,

    I have worked for Sonsub, via agencies, in the past and they have some good points like you get paid on time and the vessels are clean. Spares support was not to bad.

    I stopped working there after a trip on the s7000 which you mentioned. A member of the crew lost a finger due to in my opinion unrequired time pressure emminating from the bridge through the superintendant and down onto the team on the deck.

    If you do go on the vessel remember the golden rule before going on deck look up, look down, look all around and then repeat.

    If you can try and get onto the Normand Cutter or even if they still have it the Mearsk Reliance they are much safer vessels to work on.

    I am sure lots of people have enjoyed there time on the 7000 but I would never go back there for sure.

    The package Sonsub offers is normally very good and they do seem to retain a lot of staff but I would always take promises of 4 & 4 with a pinch of salt from any company in the industry not just Sonsub


    Deepdown also from Australia I’m thinking 🙂


    Thanks Luckyjim…much appreciated……….


    Saipem 7000 in August

    The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway has initiated an investigation into a lethal accident on the lifting facility Saipem 7000 on Sunday. August 12th. A person fell overboard and died during a lifting operation performed for Statoil at the Tordis field.

    Saipem 7000

    The SAR helicopter from Statfjord A and three emergency vessels arrived at the site and participated in the search. After approximately one and a half hours, the person was localized on the seabed at a depth of approximately 200 meters by Saipem’s own ROV. The person was then brought onboard.
    On Monday morning, two Petroleum Safety Authority Norway representatives traveled out to the Saipem 7000 to investigate the incident. The purpose of the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway’s investigation is to clarify the chain of events and identify trigger factors and underlying causes. The investigation will result in a report which will be published on the PSA’s website.

    The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway is carrying out an independent investigation. In addition, the police have requested assistance in their investigation.

    The last time a lethal accident occurred in the petroleum activities on the Norwegian Shelf was in 2002.




    Fillipino rigger killed on there in August. Heard they didn’t even stop operations. Took a posistionm fix on the body, then came back later during a break in the ops.

    Off course, it was his own fault. Nothing to do with Saipem.

    It’s known as the death star inside sonsub. Getting out with everything intact – including your sanity – is a bonus.


    Deepdown, wrong thread you are thinking of the TS marine thread!

    Yes sir. 😳

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