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A bad start to a job

Home Forums General General Board A bad start to a job

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    "Also Scott knows me"

    cogsie, i’d keep that quiet if i was you

    Scott Beveridge

    "Also Scott knows me"

    cogsie, i’d keep that quiet if i was you

    Now, now, behave rigwash!


    Here’s hoping Reece can turn the place around eh?

    Scorchio, Reece has done a cracking job so far with the help of quite a few like minded guys. The improvement in the last 6 months is quite something to see, across a lot of areas.

    As the more mature and sensible of you will know, change takes time, it WILL NOT happen over night, yes getting into and out or some places sucks, yes some of the agents are crap but the changes are ongoing. It is no longer a place where, just cos "that’s how we have always done it", or "we always use that agent" etc etc does not mean that the afore mentioned are always going to be so. 😯 💡 😀 The whole environment and atmosphere across FSME has changed significantly in the last 6 months.

    Those of you who work there atm will have seen this, those of you who don’t, ask around you might be suprised.

    As Scotty as been known to say on occasion "Rant over" 😉

    Be good

    James McLauchlan

    Good to see some positive feedback.

    Given that the OP was Sun 9th Nov 2008 it now appears that somebody is doing the right thing, which has to be commended. :tup:

    Benny Edelman

    Qatar can be different – depends on the oil company.
    I did a job few years ago and the client was Maersk.
    I was booked at the Ramada and was taken there in a BMW limo. Next morning I was taken by limo to the office, then to the H2S course and then to the heliport.
    All later transfers were done on time by Maersk personnel (not agents). When we had to spend overnight in the field, waiting for a chopper or the boat we either stayed on the FPSO or on an anchor handling boat that had large 2 men cabins with ensuite bathrooms.
    I guess it also depends whether the oil company takes care of personnel’s welfare or if they do not care. Maersk, which was run by Europeans, was an example of how to treat personnel correctly.
    I have not been to Qatar since (too busy elsewhere). My only bitch was that if you are in Doha port on a vessel it is too complicated or impossible to leave the port, you see Doha from the other side of the fence and that’s it.


    Where do you sign up….. 😈 😈


    The key word is Maersk… I’ve worked onboard their vessels/rigs several times and always impressed with lengths they go to keep their employees comfortable. Great food, good accom and no skimping on facilities, coms and entertainment. Only wish they were an ROV company..



    From my understanding they have a Divison in Qatar which is ROV operations.

    Maersk thats is there own Sea Eye Surveyor and not sure what else.

    I am sure some of the UK Agency’s deal with this contract.


    Oh … Shame they don’t have any big work class stuff..

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