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  • #15822

    Ya Pussy lips Still turn me on 😳


    oh and so there are alot of Filipinos in Sonsub Sg ei? 😮

    Andy Shiers

    Yeah I know of a person ……………….. 8)
    Some say he is part womble 😀 Not a nice thing to see in shorts either !
    Who does time………………… No parole 😯 On a noisey green prison ship off west Africa 😀
    He is an ideal candidate for Training people up and employing / firing them 🙂


    Yes Lostboy a jolly green prison indeed at least the noise would drown out his montonous droning…. sorry Axe you know i am kidding…or am i???
    Anyway i have crop of asparagus on the go so must rush.. 😀 😀 😈


    Yeah , He does flippin moan 🙁
    MOAN MOAN MOAN more than a woman does …………………
    He’s in the wrong industry !
    Should be in the Farming industry instead 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Ya Pussy lips Still turn me on 😳


    oh and so there are alot of Filipinos in Sonsub Sg ei? 😮

    😆 Go down to Lucky Plaza on any Sunday and you’ll see!


    Looks like the Superior lads are touting for work!!

    Andy Shiers

    What 😯
    You mean Ionicwings works there 😯
    I’ve just had a bad taste in my mouth 😕


    😆 Go down to Lucky Plaza on any Sunday and you’ll see!

    ill try but im scared 😆

    What 😯
    You mean Ionicwings works there 😯
    I’ve just had a bad taste in my mouth 😕

    wait what, where, what work? Porgib me Peepol I not spik ingles 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    This is the Voice of the CIA…. And now for the news in spetian enggerish 🙄


    Yeah , He does flippin moan 🙁
    MOAN MOAN MOAN more than a woman does …………………
    He’s in the wrong industry !
    Should be in the Farming industry instead 😀

    Yes havent seen Axe for a little while after he stole my lunch so i imagine what with all the cold pizza and things he is probably massive by now 😀
    I think he would certainly be better off in the farming industry, damn good exercise..

    Andy Shiers

    I can just picture Axe doing a ‘Billy Bunter’ and stealing someones Pork pie 😆
    Oh No 😯 I ‘m just picturing him with a Pork pie under his arm wearing shorts 😯 ………………… Not a pretty sight 😕



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