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    Anyone got any inside info on Acergy, usual thing rates, benefits, people, equipment, vessels, future etc etc?

    I’m looking for something other than the company blurb off their website and for some more accurate rate info than what’s on the pay table in the forum.




    Good place to start if you are north sea based. Shackleton and Far Saga are both excellent vessels and accomodation standard is very high.


    Thanks Savante, any other info? Judging by the response I’m not suprised they’re recruiting 😆

    I’ve been quoted £330 – £360 for supervisor rate which is far less than my current rate although their rates are under review. I also hear they’re getting some Gucci Shilling subs….nice 🙂




    scv27 – pretty damn good system, massive ahcs lars and a boat that wouldn’t go back to port in a 13-15m sea. I thought it was great for the first couple of hours until I had to barricade myself into my bunk to stop flying around the friggin cabin and threw up my sunday lunch. they are a bit friggin hardcore on that boat. the master is a heavily tatooed skin head that looks like a pirate with an infra-sonic voice. 😆

    the rest of the stuff I used were seaeye and sub-atlantic vehicles. all bog standard, they had pretty good spares contingency.

    360 a day for supervisor – that’s cheapness even for UK sector, have you thought of taking on a norwegian contract rather than with the bucksburn massif?



    I,ve heard they are an excellent company to work for with regular time on time off / rotations , some of the best vessels around & some great guys & very few greenhorns.

    Pay rates . Your right 360 a day is a bit short for the north sea sector, but of course thats what they want you to take . Hold firm during any interview & 480 to 560 is deffinately on the cards if you have 8 to 10 years oil & gas experience as Supervisor / superintendant . On major projects & high profile construction jobs for the major oil & gas players .

    I,ve also heard that they frequently check on previous employers as theve been burnt in the past form inflated CV’s

    Anything less than a year or two as superintendant then like all the other Oil & Gas operators expect to go in as Pilot tech & progress through the ranks ……Months on end watching & learning etc. you know how it is

    Good luck with your interview .


    Lads…..Acergy just gave Sub Eng and up a 10% raise …so your rates of 360 guid are low.

    Best kit I have ever seen and boats are some of the best.
    The new ACV subs are going to set a new standard and are impressive.

    Best move I ever made


    Thanks for all the info, keep it coming…..

    Even with a 10% increase in rates they are still low but if the company is as good as I’m hearing then I’m sure someone will be happy make a compromise….

    Any idea on rotas and locations of work other than North Sea? How many guys/ gals make up the ROV division? How many days a year do you get offshore or is this flexible? Cheers.



    For an Accurate ‘make-up’ of the company , Why don’t you speak to someone at Acergy ?


    Has everyone forgot that Acergy are just Stolt renamed, remember what happened to Stolt? some of the best vessels around? Discovery, Harrier, Hawk, I could on, As for the Schilling UHD’s GeoConsult have four and the’ve not worked particularly well since they got them, loads of problems since day one!

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