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Acergy death

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    Ray Shields

    And it was probably a job they had done dozens of times in the past.

    All it takes is one small slip up 🙁


    Allseas have an ODIM LARS….found if you turned down the gain when youhave it out of conststant tension you had heaps of control.

    One question why it has in constant tension when they were working on the system.

    Did found people found it confusing to take out of constant tension you have to enable the joystick after you put it in normal.

    The LATCH button which puts it in constant tension confused many.

    What I saw was finger problems…people just not taking their time to ensure the obvious ie. docking head level when coming into it with the bullet and just not paying attention to keep it level when booming in or out.

    Also found when using the radio belly pac you do have to be aware of where the reciever box is mounted as far as the best reception.
    If you walked around you would get errors or things would not enable untill you walked back to that "sweet spot" ara and it would all start workin.


    OK, folks. Just to confirm the facts here:

    Vessel: Geosund
    Location: Fredericia, Denmark
    Company: DOF Subsea Norway
    LARS: ODIM A-frame

    Accident: Power black out while the supervisor was on top of the TMS, latched out and resting on the floor. System was powered up and in "normal" mode (no heave comp or constant tension)

    Cause: 1: The variable swash plate motors on the winch will go to full extend to keep the load from dropping while waiting for the band brake to come on (takes a second or two) during black out. At the same time an bypass valve will shortcut the hydraulic supply to the motor, this valve were incorrectly wired. Because of the great deal of hydraulic energy and accumulators in the system, there was enough hydralic power to pull the winch in at great speed.
    Cause 2: At the same time an isolation valve were supposed to be activated, fault in the PLC program caused this not to activate at the time of black out.
    Cause 3: The brake band on the winch did not get an command from either PLC or motor controller to activate, thus did not put on brake.

    These are roughly the technical facts. Guess Allseas have been contacted by Odim to sort out if the same could happen on their systems.


    The official report from Odim is doing the rounds having been sent to DOF’s vessels.
    Pretty much as slayer said.
    Soud like a classic case of too much technology and not enough attention to basics in design.

    A wise man once said:
    "The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
    thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
    possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
    get at or repair."
    I would add that somebody usually get hurt.


    Just goes to show that you cant beat old fashoned levers, too many times PLC controls throw wobblers, especially as most systems are outside on the deck and eventually the corrosive atmosphere takes it’s toll. As someone else said "Fine when it works". Remember, this stuff was designed to be installed and operated in a totally different enviroment that we work in.
    I know we are living in a more and more techie world, but having been around the block a wee bit, the old adage of Keep It Stupid Simple springs to mind, especially regarding with lifting equipment.

    Mike Kidd

    Or Keep It Simple Stupid also works 😆


    OOPs Flycatcher, just a wee dose of slisdexia 😉


    Lets not forget a college has died here and in front of all of his team. My thoughts and sympathy go out to all the family and friends of the victim involved in this incident.

    Mike Ritson


    Slayer, well done for putting the facts relatively straight was going to do it myself but thought seen as there was a death involved probably wasn’t the correct thing to do, at least you may save all the speculators guessing as to what happened.
    James can you change the topic title as you would not believe how many people offshore and onshore are asking who was the Acergy lad that was killed.
    And all take note of What Mike Ritson said, at the end of the day a lad has died doing a day to day task, show a little respect to all involved.



    Regarding winches etc.
    ISS are "Demodifying" all of their new Lawson winches / handling systems back to old fashoned levers at their own cost.
    Common sense prevails……

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