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Acergy technical tests

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Acergy technical tests

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  • #1486
    Guy Ringham

    I have been accepted on to stage 2 of the employment process with Acergy on their ROV Trainee Pilot Technician Scheme. This consists of a series of technical tests to be taken at an Acergy assessment center this summer.

    I have no ROV experience, have a HNC in electronics and 2 years experience as an electrical safety technician.

    Has anyone taken these tests and what type of thing do they consist of?
    Also any advice on what I can learn prior to the assessment.




    Funny how they are looking at trainees when they have a dozen laid off and twice that of us experienced lads out of work….some for the last two months.

    Several vessels in dry dock and they just aren’t getting the contracts.

    I would not put all your eggs in that basket laddie!

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