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Advice on Trenching ops & ROV’s

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  • #1847

    Hi There

    I,m new to the buisness , completed 1 offshore trip in GOM & have been offered work in the North sea on trenching operations as a Full Pilot tech .

    Can anyone tell me whats involved ? I,ve been told its easier than O & G work . I came top of my class in my ROV course & have been told by my peers that I have the spacial awareness of a seasonned proffesional .

    Has anyone worked on the Menas Relume . whats the conditions & food like etc.

    Cant wait to show these trencher guys a thing or two about ROVs 😉

    Scott Beveridge


    Ho hum… I’m not gonna touch this one… Anybody else??? The bait is there!!!




    Hi – I know some people onboard the Relume – when are you joining ?


    Angus007 –

    This is just one of the potential opportunities I have been offered…if you know someone on the vessel do you know about the vessel yourself?

    It is supposedly in the North Sea right now which is a long way from the GOM and much colder than I am used to so I am trying to find out if it is a good ship to be onboard or not.

    Thanks for the reply..


    Oh dear….. 🙄


    There’s a good set of photos and all the info you want on the Relume, look at the MENAS website.

    If you join the Relume may I suggest that you be careful with your attitude, there’s a team of seasoned oil/gas and trenching guys onboard and I doubt very much that you will be able to show any of them anything.

    If you need any details PM me.



    Listen K2 I know my stuff . like I said I cam top in my ROV course !!

    I really want to know how good is the food & accomodation . If I do get a job on there I can tell you respect will be given to my piloting skills knukkle head.


    Ha Ha, nice one you Jumbalaya, Crawfish Pie eating Redneck Piece of Shi#. Good wind up. Or if for real, get f’ing REAL or those good old boys on the Relume are going to tear you a new shitte# with an attitude like that. For your info, I came top of my class too(Religous studies for 7 year olds) and I still don’t know who Jebus is!!!!



    I,m new to the buisness , completed 1 offshore trip in GOM

    Listen K2 I know my stuff . like I said I cam top in my ROV course !!

    Listen up "mudbug," most of us old hands think only dip$hit$ waste their money on "ROV Courses" and do so only to make up for lacking competent technical training and experience.

    I could teach a monkey to fly any ROV ever built. I could give a $hit how great your spacial orientation is or if you could handle solaton currents in the S. China Sea.

    Your attitude of "How great I am and I know my stuff" is exactly why damn few Americans and even fewer Coonarses or Texan Cowgirls are welcomed anywhere other than the GOM or Africa.

    Try spitting out that shat between your cheeck n gum, shutting up and listening to experienced personnel who tell ya how it is. I PROMISE, that you will not last outside the GOM with that attitude (because Yanks like me run-off 99% of Yanks that even try working overseas!).


    Angus007 –

    This is just one of the potential opportunities I have been offered…if you know someone on the vessel do you know about the vessel yourself?

    It is supposedly in the North Sea right now which is a long way from the GOM and much colder than I am used to so I am trying to find out if it is a good ship to be onboard or not.

    Thanks for the reply..

    If this is real and not a wind up, then you will find most vessels in the north sea are light years ahead of the good ol boy stuff down in the GOM.
    The exceptions are the vessels that are down there on loan from the north sea from the big players from both Norway and the UK. Its not hard to google the vessel and find out for yourself.

    If this is not a wind up, who cares if you came top of the class ? It wouldn’t cut shite with me if you came on my vessel…. why are you not going back to the vessel you did your first trip on, or do they not respect you enough ?





    You are just the kind of guy we need right now, an expert after one job, maybe you can teach the rest of us how it is done. One more job and you will be a supervisor mate. Keep it up. 🙄 😯

    Can you play a banjo 😆 😆 😆 😳 😳


    Now look here –

    All I did was ask some questions about how to get started and make a bold statement about showing some folks a thing or two and all I get back is a lot of defensive crap. Why is that? I’m telling you that I am REALLY good at this game and beside that I have been fixing shrimp boats and other marine equipment for years before getting into the ROV stuff.

    I was told straight out that I am a "joystick genious of the subsea world" by a lot of folks already.

    Theres no reason to start bashing me about my deep southern roots and all the anti-American stuff. Did I start out making comments like euro trash and wankers and whatever else? No I did not.

    I just can’t wait to meet some of you hot shots and we’ll see who is talking and who is walking.

    Yanks like me run yanks like you off the job – sounds commie to me.



    I completed 13 world deep water records on the Independence Hub/Trail Project in the GOM as Senior Client Rep. for the Independence Subsea Group; directly managing 5 ROV subcontractors. To get things finished, we had to bring in the former S.O.I. "euro-trash wankers" to get anything done. (Exception being the outstanding boys from DMT on the DMT Diamond).

    I’ve worked with Yanks, Pommies, Ozzies, Kiwis, S. Africans; Filipinos, Russians, Croatians, Chinese, name it. Only the bitche$ from Texas and Louisiana have ever given me any grief and I have less patience with your types than guys from other countries do. Gosh dang, I bet ya even wish George Bush could run for another term in orifice 😆

    Not "commie" boy! 8 years USAF Special Forces Combat Controller, 1/2 breed Native American Indian from Oklahoma reservation, whose favorite song was borrowed from Willie Nelson…"My heroes have always killed cowboys…"

    I expect this guy is serious and not just a wind-up. I highly recommend you try working for Global Industries in Houston, you’ll find yourself fittin right in with the banjo orchestra and they can send ya overseas with your fellow commie chewin n spittin comrades.

    "Hey boy, ya sure gotta pretty mouth"
    😯 😯 😯


    Is this guy for real ? is he just arrogant and or stupid or is he the Messiah.


    Ah movie soundbites.
    Heres another for Mr Shrimp Papa.
    Ever tried eating corn on the cob with NO FUCKIN Teeth!!!!!

    Forgot to add that this is the best wind up in ages, you lads must be as busy as I am.

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