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Advice on Trenching ops & ROV’s

Home Forums General General Board Advice on Trenching ops & ROV’s

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  • #19611

    With this attitude mate, you better go back and fix the shrimps boats because in the normal social ROV community you don’t have a fucking chance to last long enough for your third job!!!!

    Scott Beveridge

    I thought the bait smelled a bit off…. Guess this went somewhere after all.


    Wow –

    You fellas sure do get all riled up over nothin but a little old crawdad from dixie. This is why I am telling you that I have what it takes to be the best – I am totally relaxed under pressure while some of you can’t even take a little bit of pride from a southern boy just starting out. If I aint nothin, than what are you so afraid of?

    Are you sure you are all the best there is out there? How can you handle any pressure type situations out on the water when you get so pissy like whiny little bitches?

    Shoot. All you out there threatening ME with violence? Ha ha ha. I’ll take my 4 wheel drive and hunt you down with my shotgun waving the confederate flag high and proud and when I catch you you’ll be singing I wish I was in Dixie from your ass and whining all over again askin the crawdaddy not to hurt you. I’ll skin you like a buck.

    Some of you make it sound like you are so dang smart and you know all this stuff and have all this experience but here you are on some website swappin snappy comment with a newby. Let’s get real, these track ROV’s are nothin more than an excavator underwater. And, if you are so important and you know so much, why aint you retired with lots of money or too busy working those big important jobs to take time out and try to get me all riled up.

    Good luck to all you out there that think your better than everyone else, cause the crawdaddy is comin your way boys. You and your pretty little mouths. 😈

    Scott Beveridge

    Son, and I can call you that at my age, 1. nobody’s perfect 2. nobody’s the best. See #2 again… and spell the word T-E-A-M …. do you see a letter "I" in it????? I thought so…



    Hello Gregory……sold any Dingos lately 😆 😆 😆

    Scott Beveridge


    Hello Gregory……sold any Dingos lately 😆 😆 😆

    Struth Mite!!! Must have Lister arms and a very large pot…


    Son, and I can call you that at my age

    Gezzzz Scott, with all the playin ya did back in the day in Houston and Louisiana…he just might be one of yours 8O, dang sure ain’t one of mine 😆 😆 😆

    Ahem…remember that toothless dwarf in Morgan City…LMAO ❓ Ya just never know Mate 😳

    Scott Beveridge

    😆 😆 😆

    Could very well be dude, could very well be… He’s got the rant down pat!!


    😆 😆 😆

    Scotty, I still reckon you have more teeth than buttmunch here though, even with half a century more plodding around the bazzars 😀 😀


    Scott Beveridge

    Probably so Dawg…probably so… 8)

    AND me shnog is still (kinda) in good shape!

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