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Agency workers.

Home Forums General General Board Agency workers.

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    Was just wondering if any of you agency guys/girls out there,find that when you get sent out on a job,and most of the other crew are permanent company people,you get treated a bit like shite.For example wont get let on the sticks much etc?.Not too bothered as still getting paid the same,but nice to feel part of the team hey and to be given a chance to show them what you can do.Anyone else experienced this??

    James McLauchlan

    I’ve seen this happen, but as to why… That’s another matter.

    Employees or Agency at the end of the day we are all pretty much the same people but some out there seem to feel that the actual ROV belongs to them and not the company.. so flying ‘their’ vehicle is deemed a privilege.
    Any sensible Supervisor would try you out on the sticks and, if things are work out OK, use you to help spread the flying hours around a bit.
    Regular pilot rotation keeps people more relaxed, things go better.

    I’ve been on jobs where regular agency guys start to take the same ‘this is my ROV’ approach when they have been doing regular rotation for a number of trips.
    Beats me what it’s all about.. some kind of pissing contest I guess.

    What needs to be remembered here is that their company (the one that looks after them so well), sees fit to send agency guys out on the job so, like it or not, they should accept that fact that you are there because their own bosses feel that is the right way to go.

    Do the job the best way you know how, take the money, let the guys with a feeling of self importance get all the glory or, equally let them take the can if they screw up, as you were probably on the winch at the time anyway. They can’t have it all ways.

    Andy Shiers

    Exactly 😀


    couple of years ago I was an agency guy on a fugro job. My opposite number was also agency and had been there 3 weeks prior to me. He did nothing except surf the net, didn’t fly, couldn’t fly, wouldn’t fly. When I got there the guys treated me the same until I showed I did have some interest and not just make up the numbers, after that I was made a welcome part of the team.
    Unfortunately, having worked both sides of the coin as a company employee and as agency, there are a lot of agency guys who go on a job and couldn’t give a toss, this spoils it for the majority who are good hands but as we all know at the moment even if you have seen a picture of an ROV you can get a start hence we still see the same old faces plodding it out there to make up the numbers.


    Murray Blom

    Add to the fact that a lot of ‘Agency’ personnel can end up being paid more than the ‘local / company’ people because they are on NS rates working the Mid / Far East, mostly because the Orriface Manglers were too lazy to find personnel in time, yeh you will be treated like shite.

    Mind you these days most of them are shite because all the good guys and gals are out working…..

    Murray Blom

    Give me a trainee any day, at least I can get him to make the tea…….

    Andy Shiers

    You don’t drink tea 😕

    Donnie Cameron

    Hey Lost one
    Haven’t you got any work to do?

    Andy Shiers

    Watcha Pond 😀
    Waiting on bubbleheads at the momento , and you ❓
    How’s the big mob coming on 🙂
    You been riding ?

    Donnie Cameron

    Hello mate!
    Mobs ongoing I’m in the orifice now sorting out the outstanding PORs for 40. Looks like we’re gonna build the workshop in only! Very sensible!
    Haven’t been riding yet gonna try and finish Cs boat this weekend.
    Have a good one bud.

    Andy Shiers

    Talk aboot a dogs life 😆

    Murray Blom

    I’d drink tea if I could find a friggn trainee that could make a decent cup….

    Andy Shiers

    😀 😈


    can any of you out there confirm that the majority of the people
    working in the ROV industry are the biggest bunch of backstabbing,
    gossiping,old women around…..


    your point is?

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