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    Be careful on what you say about different companies as you could be held accountable. You could be stepping across the legal line.

    If you are under the belief that by stating facts will lead to criminal prosecutions you are living in cloud cuckoo land.
    It is not as if they would have any moral high ground as they obtained a 1 million dollar subsidiary from the Dutch Governement for the boat they named after a member of the Nazi Waffen SS.

    SOURCE: The Daily Telegraph Nov 8th 2008.

    Scott Beveridge

    Be careful on what you say about different companies as you could be held accountable. You could be stepping across the legal line.

    If you are under the belief that by stating facts will lead to criminal prosecutions you are living in cloud cuckoo land.
    It is not as if they would have any moral high ground as they obtained a 1 million dollar subsidiary from the Dutch Governement for the boat they named after a member of the Nazi Waffen SS.

    SOURCE: The Daily Telegraph Nov 8th 2008.

    Well….. That sure as heck was a REALLY GOOD comeback for the appropriate response of anal orifice-type people!!!

    Cheers to ya’ SGB (ere’s to yer million dollah shite!!!! NOT – it’s all parsh AND not a lot of dosh!!!!


    From my experience I have to say some of what’s poted is right and some way off the mark. I have been on 3 Allseas vessels in the last 18 months or so. All 3 had internet and phone available to all personnel with reasonable usage limts. One of the vessels the internet was very slow and only 2 terminals for general use, not ideal but adequate for checking e-mail.

    The galleys are closed between meal times but you no longer have to buy your water in warmer climes. Mind you it did take a deck hand to collapse from dehydration for that to change.

    Safety on all 3 vessels was ok rather than sh*t hot, however it’s up to the individual to point out safety issues. Again from my experience when something was pointed out it was rectified. I suppose this may vay from vessel to vessel though, as I got the impression that safety was vessel driven rather than driven from the beach. I very much felt that the beach’s attitude is to get the job done at all costs.

    They have invested in about 6 UHD’s (not sure exactly how many) and ROV will be totally seperate from Diggin donald and plough’s etc.

    Pay is ok £440 for Supervisor but I wouldn’t go direct, £500 through Proffs from what I hear.

    The projects are deffinately done on the cheap, with what I would class as second rate or Heath Robinson equipment.

    So I guess you pays your money and takes your choice. Would I work for them again? Probably not, (never say never)

    John Ferguson

    That is a shame!!!!! I hate hearing that. You know in the office the attitude seems to be totally different. I am heading back to India today so I am not looking forward to another 30 days of that shit!!!


    I have been reading the threads on All Seas and it doesn’t seem too positive about the company at all. That is why they are offering huge wages at the moment. I have seen one of the contracts and they vary between 96K and 112K. I think they have 7 UHD’s they have put a load of guys on the courses in the US to be able to understand the structure of operation, Ethernet etc. From the guys I know there they are happy at the moment. To be honest the ROV personnel are a bit weird anyway, they always get itchy feet after a couple of years. This is how they get their experience and land high paid positions.

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