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Anyone here currently onboard the Binh Minh?

Home Forums General General Board Anyone here currently onboard the Binh Minh?

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    Just wondering if anyone here is currently working on the Binh Minh or have recently?


    G’day Dugong,

    Was there beginning of last year.

    Don’t expect anything much and you won’t be disappointed!

    Unless there’s been a refit it’s quite rudimentary.


    thanks mate, heading out there next week, is there any exercise equipment onboard and hows email access?

    Scott Beveridge

    G’day Dugong,

    Was there beginning of last year.

    Don’t expect anything much and you won’t be disappointed!

    Unless there’s been a refit it’s quite rudimentary.

    You’d be surprised what has been done with those "rudimentary" systems…. and, I suspect, what will be done. Marketing wallies please note…. Oh yeah… also the right teams with the right bits and pieces… need I say thr right pay as well???????


    hiya dugong,
    On the binh minge at the moment.
    fairly basic GYM. got a small multi gym, some weights and walking machine
    stereo system to keep you dancing.
    Who are you coming to relieve ???


    Wasn’t talking about the systems Scot old bean!

    The "life support" equipment like internet access, telephones etc was not that great when I was there, if there has been an improvement that’s all for the good.

    One plus though; plenty of free chockies and ice creams was great. We have to pay $5 US for a choc bar here and tripe or liver 5 days a week on an unnamed Italian barge in an area near you.

    Scott Beveridge

    Wasn’t talking about the systems Scot old bean!

    The "life support" equipment like internet access, telephones etc was not that great when I was there, if there has been an improvement that’s all for the good.

    One plus though; plenty of free chockies and ice creams was great. We have to pay $5 US for a choc bar here and tripe or liver 5 days a week on an unnamed Italian barge in an area near you.

    Ahhh… thanks for clarifying that…

    Free chockies are probably going to be a thing of the past with Mc playing orifice wallie!! Ships crew should all be rotund by now!!!

    Last vessel I was on had the gerbil – treadmill – variety of internet and yes, it was the Froggie-type server as well!!


    Wasn’t talking about the systems Scot old bean!

    The "life support" equipment like internet access, telephones etc was not that great when I was there, if there has been an improvement that’s all for the good.

    One plus though; plenty of free chockies and ice creams was great. We have to pay $5 US for a choc bar here and tripe or liver 5 days a week on an unnamed Italian barge in an area near you.

    Oh the unnamed italian barges.. You have to love them.
    If its not tripe its some none descript "meat", bland & cold pasta or Pizza with no cheese. But then again on sunday they do treat you with either chips or some chemical form of chicken. 1 Internet machine for over 400 people and its constantly surrounded by about 20 filipinos looking at porn! If you are lucky enough to have a TV in your cabin, which unless your Italian or your company supplies, youll be treated to 2 English channels (Both News)
    Can you tell i miss the place 😈

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