Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Are experienced Supervisors really working for 380.00 GBP ?

Are experienced Supervisors really working for 380.00 GBP ?

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Are experienced Supervisors really working for 380.00 GBP ?

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  • #24343

    Funny to mention the divers James… I was one too. I remember when ROV guys were getting substantially more and most divers were gagging to get a start in ROV’s .. There was a period when diving was really in the doldrums and rates had completely stagnated.. The diving schools had pumped out hundreds of baby divers and even had advert in the national press earn 300 quid a day etc but suddenly the market was just saturated and guys were working for ‘I’ll go crazy for 100 USD a day (or less) .. In the end the message got out and guys stopped lashing out 3k for a diving course cos there was no real return .. only hard work, shitty conditions and poor pay..

    Wonder how long before the ROV schools start to feel the pinch and how long after they close the ROV game will have a renaissance ?

    The one thing I never believed or expected would be to see companies willing to entrust their valuble equipment in the hands of complete newbies..

    Like I said in a previous post .. Next time you get a bunch of wannbees, trainees and chancers on your team.. Don’t cover for them, put them all on the dayshift together…..


    £380 a day,,,,,,for a Supv…….shaver ma tambers, I ken a staffer sub eng at DOF getting mair than that

    fits it a cumin ate a ask yi

    nae supv should be goin oot fur less thon £550 at a minimam

    James McLauchlan


    Bang on the money! :tup:


    A few days ago I reported the same job on offer from 2 agencys one at £575 the other alot less around the mid £350 mark .
    Well it seems the agency that got the job was the mid £350 so they found some guys to go out for less than even £380 this is mad .

    With so many agencys chasing the same work the rate is getting less and less I hate to think what next year is going to be like .



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