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Aust Operators?

Home Forums General General Board Aust Operators?

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  • #1404

    Hi Rovies

    Can anyone post me a list of companies in Australia that run and operate ROVs

    Cheers Jaxx


    Check out the internet im sure you will find it there, ask Jeeves he might tell you.
    Or check out the rest of this site.
    Its amazing what you can find.
    Or are you just to idle to do that and want everything handed on aplate. 😆

    Scott Beveridge


    See sidebars this site or Ron’s ROV links. You’ll have lots of browsing to do (highly suggested before asking questions like this again). There’s heaps of companies in Oz…


    Firstly thanks Ekmonster for some pointers, will start there…………….


    And the others, yep will do some more surfing and see where it leads me

    Nostrovia, Jaxx

    James McLauchlan

    Hi Rovies

    Can anyone post me a list of companies in Australia that run and operate ROVs

    Cheers Jaxx

    I resisted an initial response but the point was made by TheProphet

    I just don’t get it??
    A whole heap of work has gone into this site, and the likes of RON’s ROV links, to either provide that type of information or point you towards it, and yet people still ask shallow questions like this!!

    People have given up their own time and money setting up sites like this to help others find just this kind of info.

    In effect the above question can be viewed as:

    I really can’t be bothered to spend my own time finding this information so can someone do all that for me, oh, and once they have done that can they call around, get me a job and send me the travel details as well.

    This applies to anyone thinking of asking a similar question without first checking around a bit.

    You will not get anywhere in this game if you expect people to help you when you have done nothing in the first instance to help yourself.

    With that approach you will most likely not be well received around here, or offshore for that matter, either.

    Andy Shiers

    Wow James 😯
    That was harsh 😯


    Well it was the first time on this site for me just sussing stuff out…

    Sorry I even asked the question, Geeezzze what was I thinking asking a simple straight forward question in a open forum amongst people in the know..

    1000 apologies



    Well said 🙂

    I was just trying to say the same but with less words.


    I guess you get a lot of guys asking what you might think are dumb or simple question but

    Someone surfs the net looking for info on ROVs

    Bingo they find this site they have a bit of a look on it, it looks good so they join up to see where it leads

    Then they think maybe I could as a few questions to help me find out what I would like to know

    so one does, simple as that !!!!

    Don’t treat us new members like where idiots or dumb because we are not, I have only joined ROVworld to gain more Info and understanding of the SuBsEa environment and the workings of the Rov’s

    flipside, Jaxx

    Andy Shiers

    Well there you have it folks 😀
    Both sides of the debate 😀
    Personally I think you should read more than what you have been reading to gain an insight in to what questions you may need to ask 😯

    Mark DuPriest

    Jaxx for what it’s worth Your question was sound as would be the simple reply…." Search Further here, the answers await your investigation"….simple as that without jamesMC being a nasty SOB.


    So what did I find ???

    Operators –

    Dof SubSea
    Sub Sea 7

    Manufacturers –

    Deep Scenes (Titan)
    Ocean Modules Aust
    Seabotix (Aust Div)
    Total Marine Technology


    Challenger TAFE Fremantle

    If I’ve missed any let me know, otherwise all good in the Hood…..Jaxx





    Now now kids please put all your toys back in the pram!!!
    But perhaps guys would take a wee while to actually search the sites rather than put a question that’s in the site or has been answered all ready ( sometimes many times over!)
    But if you don’t like the question why bother answering it???
    If you don’t answer then the person will have to get off their arse and find out for themselves!!!


    What 😯 😯 You mean leave the playstation 😳 😳

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