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Aust Operators?

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  • #16876

    Its quite sad really isnt it to know that the ROV industry(companies) have become so desperate for bodies that they will virtually take on anyone now.Look at these morons who spread their crap on this once good website,and we have to go out and work with these Tossers,who are mostly trainees who know it all.There is going to be a hell of alot of bodies down the labour exchange when the downturn hits and surely will.
    The sooner these crap waste of space ROV training establishments go under and stop churning out these wasters the better….


    TMT are operators as well, not just manufacturers
    Jaxx, also check out C-Diver http://www.c-diver.com/?page=information&type=rov
    and even http://www.c-diver.com/?page=jobs&mode=view&id=124

    Polite note to all newbies: Look around before asking.
    Its something being said over and over again.

    Kind Reg.



    Exactly how long have you been in this business for..Looking at the date you joined this site I would hazard a guess and say not that long. Where did you do your training and who helped you?

    Many years ago when James started this site everyone that was on it knew everyone else and much of the childish bickering that we now see wouldnt happen.

    Yes, Jaxx made a mistake and should have read a bit more before he fired of his email. The guy has been crucified enough.

    Also saw negative comment against James kicking arse, again, not the wisest move considering James set the site up for everyones benefit.

    Jaxx get rid of the some of the attitude, some of the guys that you seem intent on pissing off with smart comebacks could be the guys that are saying yahh or nahh to you being on a crew. Next time just think a little before hitting send key..

    Some of you young guys need to grow up, everyone needs a start and everyone has been the FNG at some stage.



    No worries GloSub, copy that will try and ask some better questions in the future….

    Was never my intention to …. any people off!!!



    See that is what the internet gets you………….nothing worth while.

    Jaxx first question was open ended for operators and the like. I am sure anyone could have told him about Fugro-opoly

    I find a lot of the younger companies and the guys with the best contracts or best companies don’t really put a lot on the net. Maybe I don’t search enough either but the internet gives you endless dead ends most of the time. I think………..


    Thanks elad1986, that is good info.

    Brigs 34, I was thinking the same thing.


    no probs davidrob, glad some information can go to use.
    Guys TS Marine are opening up shop in aus, if anyone is interested:
    stephen.varney@ tsmarine.net.au


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