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Bad conditions on vessels

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    What would you do if you if you find yourself on a ship where the living conditions disgusting. Do you go home or tolerate it ?

    Ray Shields

    Everyone’s definition of disgusting is different. If it is unhygenic or dangerous you complain to your employer and point out their health and safety p
    responsibilities (as they all say this is their number one priority these days).

    You raise stop cards near miss forms whatever their paperwork calls for. If conditions are dangerous you stop the job. They all say we have the right and responsibility to do so so use it.

    If they will do nothing about it it is up to you to decide whether to stay or go.

    Andy Shiers

    Then again ……………. If its Africa , Middle east or ………. Egypt …………. It’s normal to have Shitty conditions, Bad food , accommodation and Cockroaches 😀
    It’s part and parcel of the job and the employer will just say it’s normal even if the client also takes affront 😯 …………….. Absolutely nothing will get done ………… Don’t accept the job , don’t go down there or get the day rate increased …………….. Simples 😀


    Yes you are right Ray some people are willing to tolerate un hygienic conditions. I would like to think an employer would have a certain amount of responsibility to ensure that hygiene is maintained to uk standards considering the employer is based in the uk.

    Ray Shields

    Yes you are right Ray some people are willing to tolerate un hygienic conditions. I would like to think an employer would have a certain amount of responsibility to ensure that hygiene is maintained to uk standards considering the employer is based in the uk.

    They don’t have a certain amount of responsibility, they have a LEGAL responsibility.

    Etienne Demers

    Before you head out anywhere, I strongly suggest to ask the ROV email and get in contact with the crew. Ask them if they need anything from shore and what the conditions are like. It’ll go a long way with your future peers and you can also prepare a few things to get you through the job.

    If you end up in a bad situation, are you the only one complaining… Sometime its a question of what you are used to. Then I suggest you report actual problems on stop cards and complete your trip if you can.

    Heartache pay is something offered when an employer cannot change the bad conditions, not something you can ask for. If you make it about money, then the conditions are tolerable to some extent and nobody will take you seriously…

    Personally, I’ve always reported bad conditions to the office and put up with it until the end of my contract and then refused to go back if nothing got done. Even when I got really sick. I accept that its part of the risk of the job and that I am paid for it. That said, I don’t go out for cheap. (I am one of those guys who prefer to pass than get a shit rate. I hope more could…)

    The preferred way to mitigate this is to report it on stop cards so your office has got documents to back themselves up when they try and do something about it. Try not to point fingers as to keep people focused on the problem rather then put them on the defensive.

    The supervisor or superintendent should then send an email to the project manager and cc the personnel manager and any other direct line managers explaining the situation and what you propose to solve the problem. Be careful who you send it to as not to go over your direct line manager’s head. Make sure you send them copies of the STOP cards and that you are not the only one with a complaint.

    The office needs to know how many people have a problem and what they are. If you are the only one, it will be seen as an isolated case and they will just replace you with someone with thicker skin for the next trip.

    Filling near misses etc is a bit of a stretch so be wise about it. You do not want to discredit the process by sounding like someone who just like to cause trouble.

    Not providing proper paperwork seriously diminishes the manager’s ability to fight the battle. Put yourself in the manager’s shoes, is the case serious enough to present to the client and do something about? The more ammo you give him, the more chance he will act. Note that he will not be able to ignore it if he was not the only one contacted on the email.

    Keep it professional and it should go a long way. But remember that if you had to report to the office, it’s likely not something that can be solved on board, its impossible to get instant results. You will need to be patient and appreciate the efforts that are made. Aim for the things that can be solved quickly first as to put everyone in the groove and tackle the bigger problem next.

    Remember that you cannot polish a turd so don’t expect miracles. (Its not like they will stop the job and bring the vessel in dry dock…)

    If your employer doesn’t act, then he is not worth your time. Post it on this forum to warn the rest of us.

    good luck

    Etienne Demers

    I forgot to mention to CC the company and client HSE managers. That is what they are there for.


    Thanks. All good advise. Cant say too much but they have refused to do anything about it . Guys complain but most are spineless and are prepared to grin and bare it



    Didn’t you ask what vessel you were joining before accepting the contract?

    Thorough research can be useful especially when negotiating rates but you should always know what you are heading for before accepting a contract.

    I was amazed on one job when an agency guy came out, he didn’t even know what ROV system he was joining.

    Response to your complaints depends who you are working for. As Lostboy says, some vessels are the pits, your health will suffer and no-one will care what you think. At the end of the day look after number one, no one else will.

    If you aren’t happy then get off the job.

    😉 😉


    Thanks. Yes get off the job is good advice.


    Name and shame ? Or keep it to myself ?


    Yes post the Vessel name !!!!!!

    James McLauchlan

    No harm in naming the vessel. If it’s a dump people need to know about it.


    you cannot polish a turd

    …But you can roll it in glitter 😉

    It’s what you make of it as well…Once you’ve been on the nice vessels, it’s hard to go back to crap. As mentioned, they reside mainly in China, Indo, Egypt, Nigeria, etc. etc.

    It grips my sh!t to know that the conditions we live in offshore are often far worse that in UK prisons…and I speak from experience!

    The office whalers, just have little appreciation of this factoid and should be made to go out on the vessel in question for 4 weeks to appreciate what it is like IMO.


    I have a couple of examples of situations that have resulted in positive action when people actually had the balls to complain and also report poor cleanliness , infestations and excessive noise to the authorities

    The Toisa Wave was chucked off a cable job in Denmark for poor food and noise , some cabins had over 100DB recorded when thrusters were on and the food was unhygenic due to poor supevision of the Phillipino cooks .but only after personel had on mass complained to Danish authorities on shore who sent out inspectors who condemned the vessel until modifications and new arrangement were made ,

    In UAE the Zakhir pelican had to put into port for 8 days and all personel put into hotels due to an insect infestation ,which caused sickness on board all personel required to have full medical checks and vessel fumigated and deep cleaned , all bedding was destroyed and plumbing was flushed before being allowed back into the field ,but 4 guys required hospitals stays for respiritary problems and fevers , but to get this result reports had to be sent to local authorities to get action as contractor and client were not concerned .

    Saipem have problems with bad food ,and appalling insanitary conditons on many vessels owned and managed by Saipem ,
    but its inconsistant as contracted vessels that are owned by Bourbon or Farstad that work for Saipem are well run , with good conditions .

    Complaining about conditions on a saipem owned vessel get blank stares or open abuse from managment .

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