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    Got my first trip on monday and was unsure about the baggage allowance.
    Are you allowed 2 bags on the chopper or is it just one with a 15kg max?
    Also what happens if your over can you just leave some gear there and collect it when you come back?


    Depends on where you are in the world mate!!
    North sea is generally 12.5kg per bag with max 2 bags.
    If your over then your gear is usually put in a sack and tywrapped.
    Hopefully going with you to your final destination!!
    If you are going to a platform you shouldn’t need too much gear.


    Going to north sea for 3 weeks.
    Can anyone give me quick list of what they would take for the same .

    Ray Shields

    1 set of PPE: boiler suit, boots, gloves, hardhat, glasses.
    3 sets socks/knicks
    1 pair jeans
    1 set of shorts/t shirt for the gym
    2 tops
    1 jumper/wooly bear jacket (for the cabins with icy aircon)
    books to read
    Toilet bag with shampoo n toothpaste for 3 weeks (no medicines, not even over the counter stuff – or if you do, remember to declare at heliport)

    Thats bag 1, under 12kg.

    Bag 2, laptop:-
    Laptop, remember the power supply and take a UK/American/European adaptor
    Portable hard drive with porn/movies/music
    MP3 player

    Thats about 6kg.

    Laundry etc. is quick, put in at end of shift, get it back before start of next so you dont need much. Dont take any clothes you dont mind being boiled or turning an offshore shade of blue or pink.

    If you smoke, take enough to last as a lot of rigs dont sell fags anymore. They usually have a bond that sells chocs, coke etc.

    15 years offshore and I only started working on rigs in the North Sea last year – had to learn how to repack me bags for rig work!


    Thanks Ray , great help.

    JL Schnabel

    👿 👿 👿

    ahhh, now here’s a topic that gets me going : offshore Angola it’s generally a max of 15kg… one client in particular enforces this to such a degree, that if you’re joining a system for an ‘upman’ one of course has extra gear in the form of one’s PPE.

    well they just won’t make an exception!! – it’s 15kg in total

    Ray Shields

    👿 👿 👿

    ahhh, now here’s a topic that gets me going : offshore Angola it’s generally a max of 15kg… one client in particular enforces this to such a degree, that if you’re joining a system for an ‘upman’ one of course has extra gear in the form of one’s PPE.

    well they just won’t make an exception!! – it’s 15kg in total

    Thats easy. Leave your PPE with them, get out onto the rig and then say "sorry, I have no PPE you took it off me".

    I get pissed off when they forget some of us are only there for one job and dont live on the rig full time and have to carry enough to survive for up to 6 weeks sometimes.

    Imagine telling yr wife she can only pack 15 kg for a TWO week holiday! Impossible 🙂


    👿 👿 👿

    Well they just won’t make an exception!! – it’s 15kg in total

    I remember this, but easy to solve. I deleted 6 Kg of porn from my computer. 😀 😀



    Is it necessary to bring your own hard hat for a first trip to a North Sea rig?

    I’ve been told that unless you have completed 3 trips on the same rig in the North Sea, you are considered to be ‘Green’ and that is the colour of the hard hat the rig will supply you with.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Ray Shields

    All our companys hard hats are Green and we wear Green hats all the time no matter how long offshore.

    I had heard some were talking about changing from using Green hats to fitting yellow elasticated covers on new people hats – but then that is what a Banksman normally wears??

    Different rigs, different rules, different interpretations. I always take me hat, at least then I know I’ll have one.


    Same in brazil, 15 kg tops.
    Easy for the locals not for the gringos.
    Funny cos although its strict 15kg, I don’t think they have a weight limit for people onboard.
    Hence fat brazilians sweating next to you in the chopper 🙂
    I think Bp use the green hat system.
    Could be wrong though as not done rig work in a long time…

    James McLauchlan

    Is it necessary to bring your own hard hat for a first trip to a North Sea rig?

    I’ve been told that unless you have completed 3 trips on the same rig in the North Sea, you are considered to be ‘Green’ and that is the colour of the hard hat the rig will supply you with.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Someone was winding you up.

    In the North sea there is no set colour for hard hats (Newbie or otherwise) although the USA style aluminium hats are not worth bringing as, in all likelihood, you’ll be asked to take it off and wear a type approved plastic hat.


    Weel weel,

    I am pretty sure I was supplied with a green hard hat by BP on the magnus a few years back but my memory ain’t what it used to be!!
    As a side note read the bottom of this page.
    It is out there!!


    sorry james but there are policies in the north sea as to Hard hat colour.

    Shell certainly do (im an ex shell employee) and im sure a few others have the "Green Hat" policy onboard that for the first three trips you have to wear a green hard hat to signify you are new to the platform.

    cant remember if any of the drilling contractors run it, thought that transocean do, but it shouldnt matter as if they do, you will be issued a green hat or a green cover for your own hat.


    I know dolphin rigs in the North Sea have their own rules, hats are as follows:
    First trip offshore – Red (they supply)
    first 3 months on a new rig – Green (they supply)
    After 3 months – your own hat, company colour

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