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Home Forums General General Board BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE

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  • #22795

    Depends on where you are in the world mate!!
    North sea is generally 12.5kg per bag with max 2 bags.
    If your over then your gear is usually put in a sack and tywrapped.
    Hopefully going with you to your final destination!!
    If you are going to a platform you shouldn’t need too much gear.

    In the Norwegian part of the North sea the limit is 10kg per bag. There are also general rules about the hard hat colours, where green usually means Safety Delegate. The exeption is Stena where yellow means Safety Delegate.

    Ray Shields

    So the general answer is the weight limit and hard hat colours vary wherever you go, ask whoever is sending you out what the limits and colours are 🙂

    And next time you go out, ask again cos they’re bound to have changed!


    I got bumped till wed 🙁
    I think ill take a white hard hat and a tin of green spray paint 😆

    James McLauchlan

    Well you have me there….. on the boats this has never come up. In my experience but I can imagine someone popping up and saying… oh, we have green hats on our boat! There is always the exception to the rule of course.

    In any given situation what the difference is the colour of your hat going to make? That could be a debate all on it’s own so (to enable this thread to stay on topic) I have started a new thread (Safety hat type and colours?) HERE


    If your trying to fly of Den Helder Netherlands today, all thirteen choppers are grounded due to a strike.

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