Home Forums General General Board Basic offshore training required? OPITO, OLF?

Basic offshore training required? OPITO, OLF?

Home Forums General General Board Basic offshore training required? OPITO, OLF?

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    I am a pilot trainee with a small company having logged some some 150 hours on observation class vehicles such as the FALCON.

    Offshore training requirements have been rather loose on the jobs i have had so far and i have managed to get by without any OPITO or similar training…

    I am now looking at taking a short trip to Scotland to get OPITO certified but have a question for you more experienced people:

    Is the basic BOSIET enough for most requirements or should i spend the extra day and get FOET as well?

    For a few extra days training I could also get additional OLF and NOGEPA -is this worth the extra time/money?

    Would greatly appreciate any insight here!

    Rob Pattenden

    Having OLF makes trainees/Tech 2s alot more attractive to clients. Bit more money but I think it’s definitely worth it .

    Are you looking for some work at the mo? If so can you send me your CV?



    Check out the prices in the UK as well Fleetwood in Blackpool seem to be the cheapest I could find as it is a College and not a business you save money.


    go to asia you can fly down and have a weeks holiday and get your course for the same price as the uk versions and they are fully approved courses



    I might run that idea past the wife when mine is due for renewal. I have a feeling what the answer might be.

    Ray Shields

    I might run that idea past the wife when mine is due for renewal. I have a feeling what the answer might be.

    Knowing your missus if you did I would only buy a one way ticket! 😀 😯 😀

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