Home Forums General General Board Be Careful – Technip Worker Killed in Labuan, Malaysia

Be Careful – Technip Worker Killed in Labuan, Malaysia

Home Forums General General Board Be Careful – Technip Worker Killed in Labuan, Malaysia

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    Just a reminder to be careful when you head to the beach and party in foreign ports.

    Last night a Technip Australia Deck Welder was bashed and killed in Labuan, Malaysia.

    Details are still coming through, but basically 9 workers crew changed via chopper yesterday afternoon from a Murphy Oil Field Location off Labuan, and 3 Technip Australia workers decided to stay in Labuan and party for the night before returning to their homes in Australia.

    2 of the guys awoke this morning and could not find the 3rd guy. A brief search was conducted and his battered body was found.

    Although, Labuan is in a strict Muslim country it is a very seady island. There are many mafia there running the drugs and prostitution rackets and they are very dangerous people when crossed.

    The local Malaysian guys also don’t mind you chatting up the filipino prostitutes, but many a fight with Foreigners has broken out when you chat up the local Malay girls in some of the clubs. One Club to be very careful in regards to this is the Pop Inn. This is the club where it is being reported that all the trouble with the above incident started.

    Although, the worker was not ROV, he had been working with ROV guys out on the job and was well liked and respected.

    May he rest in peace after such a terrible incident.

    Stay safe out there!

    Scott Beveridge

    My sympathies to his family….

    It was also in Labuan where there were 2 (!!!) members of the vessel were murdered some 8 years ago. The first guy murdered was a Phillipino AB, and the second (not on the same day) was an ROV guy from the UK.

    Apparently, the ROV guy was going ashore midday for his crew change and he went to the closest bar on the wharf where the water taxis berth. He was having a quiet beer when a Phillipino AB (ironic!) chatted him up for a beer. They finished their beers and the Phillipino asked for another one. The ROV guy said he needed to get more money first. The AB walked outside (the ROV guy still in the bar) and came back in after a few minutes and proceeded to stab the ROV guy.

    To all you guys who are new or relatively new… NEVER go out by yourselves ANYWHERE!!!! Go in a group and look after your mates – esp. if they are too pissed! There are no Supermen in real life….


    Thats an aweful thing to happen, condolences to the gentlemans family.

    Labuan ,is a skanky place after dark for sure.

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