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Bit of a long shot but…

Home Forums General General Board Bit of a long shot but…

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  • #1885

    does anyone here remember a company called Global Surveys that operated at the end of the 80’s? I’m trying to track them down for something but theres no reference on the net, so likely they’re no longer in business. All I know is the name, that they operated Benthos Rover ROV’s in 1989 and were suposedly based in Singapore.

    if the name rings any bells then please let me know


    Scott Beveridge

    does anyone here remember a company called Global Surveys that operated at the end of the 80’s? I’m trying to track them down for something but theres no reference on the net, so likely they’re no longer in business. All I know is the name, that they operated Benthos Rover ROV’s in 1989 and were suposedly based in Singapore.

    if the name rings any bells then please let me know


    Yes, they were based in Singers I believe on Pandan Cres. Can’t remember the folks names there though.


    Thanks for your help mate, at least I know they definately were based in Singapore now. Not sure how much that’ll help me but hey.

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